Yoshimitsu...My best order deck, it was a control with standing roundhouse kick i think alot of people could say couple of things about it.
What Decks are you known for?
failed2k said:
Locally Kilik when I was new.
Hell yes. Remember those days? When I first started playing it wa just me and my roommate. So we had a rule that you had to play a different deck with a different character card every time, so you couldn't repeat characters until you had gone through using them all. I think I ended up played Kilik more than any other character. Back in the day that was an insanely awesome ability.
failed2k said:
Dutpotd and Alex is probably the most recent association i've made.
I only associate people when they run with a guy multiple times when it isnt clearly the best deck in the meta.(dominant decks like Dhalsim/Ibuki/Chun-li and Hugo for a hot minute there I kind of ignore)
I think your rules for association are pretty spot on.
And thank you for recognizing me and my Alex decks. I kinda feel bad about this though, its not that I dislike Alex, it is though that he isn't my favorite SF character... I just love his Character Card - I like to draw ^^ I also know you and, as you have mentioned, Paul have a past history with him, and to that extent I didn't want to step on any toes by using him.
I'm pretty sure one more association I would add to the list is Tuesday and Akuma, but he is dangerously close to falling on the 'dominant deck line' that you have set.
Since I'm new to the game (one year and counting ^^) I don't have many other associations. When I started I was also really into Vega (obviously the new and Disneyish one, but he never really stuck becuase as many times as I would build him he didn't have enough oomph to take me where I wanted to go). I played some really crazy mill decks before I took a more agressive stance with Alex, those being a Manji Ninjitsu Mill w/ Countless Days and a tri-symbol Lilith (8 dif enhance is nothing after Please Help Me -> Manji -> 2 check attack -> 3 check attack -> Countless, clear, Countless, clear Countless). Then there was Cammy and her Countless Days + Blinding Speed combo for mass mill... But both of these decks lasted one competitive foray followed by a quick dismissal in my mind. Wheras Alex did not...
I'd say... looking at all my competitive (at tourney) decks... there is only one card that has made it into all of them. It's weird, but it is Antisocial ...
Antisocial made Lilith (who was Good/Death/Chaos tri-symbol)
Antisocial made Cammy (who was Chaos/All dual symbol)
And as everyone knows Antisocial made all of my Alex incarnations (All with splash of life, one of 4 was mono-ALL)
Other cards I am known for... Well I am known for using the Fire Skull (i.e. calling fire on the seal of cessation, when running my scouts Sakura deck... that doesn't have any fire cards, or the fire symbol for that matter...), and more recently Dark Force Mirage, aside from Alex I've built some nasty use out of him in Donovan, and I have plans for others - Good symbol, you are next!!!
I'm also never use Rejection (ok, maybe once), but altogether anyone who knows me knows I think it and The Gorgeous Team (well, particularly the latter, and The Bigger They Are) are sexist cards.
I'm also known for some mean Self Sacrifice locks... Using both Kyoshiro and Blanka to do it and with quite a bit of sucess.
Then there is what I think of Nakoruru - EVERYONE knows I can't stand her!!!
hmmm... for only a year I've made some pretty strong associations within my playgroup mostly, and to a lesser extent the community as a whole.
Finally, my cards know this best, I am known for not playing with sleeves (except of course in tournaments where I have to).
- dut
Me, definately the blue hair freak ukyo lol.
I also liked dhalsim alot back in the day before I started traveling to events. my local crew hated the void cheese. but i love it.
It depends on how far out you reach.
Locally I think my most feared deck was my absolute nightmare *Yun-Seong* "Total War" build. Most expensive deck I've ever built - four Start Over, four Power Up, four Infiltrating, four Heisheng Jian... had Psycho Focus in it at one point... I missed a great opportunity when I chose not to play him at the first ECC, opting for Ryu3 instead. That deck was absolutely disgusting, there were games when I'd Start Over/Infiltrate twice in a turn... just because I could. the worst part was when I'd kill my opponent by poking them to death with 6+ split attacks, and then pass the overkill Curbstomp.
The deck I'm probably most known for in FL is Death Nakoruru, since I piloted that little ***** to victory many, many times (including one of the very first AoP tournaments)... and my bloodcurdling screams when I would check multiple Roundhouse Kicks in the same game. Seriously, I had one match where my 2nd check of all three games was a RHK. Played around it game 3, but god.
Branching out further, more people are probably familiar with my Promo Ryu3 Seichu rush deck. Man, I wish that deck was still even remotely viable...
addendum: Oh, yeah, locals also really hated it when I'd flip over *Yoshitora* at the start of a match.
Locally, I ran promo Ukyo off each of his symbols with various builds. killing with genkotsu stamp was so much fun.
Promo Nakoruru was my main for a while and my death version was responsible for a lot of my local tournament wins back in the day.
My funniest build was chicken kick Ryu. killing folks with massive chicken kicks was priceless.
prob santa
oh and i've done ok with akuma but prefer santa
This topic really is a great post.
I've been lurking around the boards for a long time now trying to keep up with whats going on in the UFS community, since I havn't been able to play in so long with work getting in the way of playing and a lack of players when the time comes. Anyway back on topic. Some grizzly and fearsome decks have come out of the dirty south that shook up the entire UFS meta. The first that comes to mind is Shoemaker's Sagat uppercut penetrate deck. This thing raped faces and took one of our FoP's(or was it an AoP). With OAM's and penetrating lunges it was sometimes more devestating to block and take three lunges back to back than to just take the hit and die. I think when Ben played this deck it pretty much defined his playstyle for a long time as he switched from Cody red moonbeam reversal(which may have been first created by Dave, though the whole group put most of it together) to Ukyo CSS to anything that pretty much held until it could just undoubtedly win with 1 or 2 shots.
Speaking of team ATL decks, I absolutely hated Marco's Astaroth Life-gain pump deck. I would come and deal massive 25-30 damage and then scream and curse my deck out for failing on the killing attack, as next turn it was life gain back to full plus huge pumped up attacks which left my dead and pissed.
I acctually used Marco's deck for inspiration to build Ivy burn. This was made for my wife, but I turned out playing it so much more since it was a burn deck that could go crazy and deal 20+ unblockable damage by turn 2. Also there were no other burn decks since Zangief mill/burn from set 1.
Trevor Valentine and I came up with the Manji Ninjutsu turn 1 kill deck that acctually took almost a month to fix (with Ninjutsu's errata). Turn 1 all you need is a manji in hand an angelic grace in discard somewhere and a single discard card, Zasamel just burned you to death. Good time's although it never got to shine at any major event.
One of the best decks that I ever saw was our own Cory Hill's Chester mill, which many claim to be thier idea but I know for a fact that he was most likely the fist to play it thenrefine it into the beast that it was, until the release of Tag Along. Nobody liked playing against a solitaire deck and that was what it was. Turns consisted of me sitting there for a good 10 min, while both players drew cards added momentum and then dropped hands to draw more cards then get stuck with all attacks and no way of attacking with them due to HH or dragonfly.
Ill end this with my most favorite and probably the most known deck for me (besides Cody3 which was mainly just a death hand control deck, but not many people had the 4 characters to run) was my promo Alba mill that went on to crush and get 3 top 2 finishes at various regionals and FoP's. Who didn't hate a LCK reversal while utilizing Law and Order to run through the opponents deck. There were so many mill and kill options in the deck that it was a veritable toolbox against any other deck. Alba's abilities being static made it all the more powerful as OS was a problem back then that he just laughed at.
Such good times from way back when that made me love the game to no end. Alas, when set 9 released the meta staled into AS plus you cant block and the days of react wars (a truly dark time for the game as it gave whoever was the best rules lawyer the advantage). Unfotunately this strategy is still around, though to a lesser extent. I still hope to get back in the game and back to making some unbelievable decks, though no character has struck me with inspiration yet. Maybe with the next set release we will get some more intersting abilities that will take deck archtypes all over the place again, be it alternate win conditions, good card pool control(via PoTE and YWNE), or a playable burn deck. Here's hoping for the future and thanks to the OP for reminding me how great a game UFS was and still could be, especially with all the fantastic high calibur players out there.
Northern California Champion and Southern California Champion same year with hotsauce dhalsim.
so I would have to say I'm probably most known in my area for 2 decks. The first one is relatively simple, which was Fire Iori with Iori's Fireball + Absurd Strength. Basically went "If I go first you lose, if you go first, I can still probably kill you turn one." Went something like 50 games against Matt Kohl's Fireball deck and went 50/50 against it
the second deck I'm well known for is well... probably the most annoying deck that was ever played in our meta to date and still causes some of our less... fortified players to shudder in terror
Namely, it was Promo Gill combined with Fortune and Glory. The deck was 52 pieces of Death/Order control, 4x Fortune and Glory, and 3x Zeltzriarch Castle. The win condition was well, reduce you down to a 0 card handsize or less where you couldn't do anything, and burn you for 1 vitality every turn. Deck worked ridiculously well and didn't even care about Contemplation back then.
I'm not really known for anything, other than being a massive Order ***** =/
Unless you count my playstyle. I've been nicknamed "Gambit" for the way I play D=
But maybe this year I'll be the guy who wins Worlds with Starter Yoshitora...just like in that dream I had XD
MegaGeese said:
But maybe this year I'll be the guy who wins Worlds with Starter Yoshitora...just like in that dream I had XD
Spoken like the true Donovan Hater you are. ; )
Well first off, I am an old UFS player. I got out about the time that BRT came in.
Anyway, I agree that this is a great topic post, and I think I might have one of the best deck build stories out there.
So all the old players will remember that STG would have the occasional staff tournament, and they would toss up some goodies on the forums for participation. Well when set 4 came out, they had a contest on the forum where you could post a decklist using only set 4 releases (Soul Arena and Dark Path if memory serves me correctly). Well, I built starter Abyss cheese and actually got the deck drafted second overall by Amy Pierce. For those of you that don't know, Amy never really had much luck getting out of the first round of these staff tournaments. Then the pairings come out, and she gets to play against one Steve Horvath! Well it just so happens that a lot of smack was talked by Mr. Horvath (still searchable on Youtube last I checked) and Amy piloted my Abyss for back to back first turn kills on the BOSS. In fact, Amy piloted the deck all the way to the finals and nearly defeated the undefeatable Erik Yaple (sp?). Erik was running Promo Rock and survived 12 attacks in one turn to take the 2-1 victory in the final. I was happy because I got some mad props and some awesome swag. And I can honestly say that I got cards errated/banned!