Just a fun thread to see who has built what obver the years!
Iv alsways been one of those people who go to tournaments with the hope to win mainly to get my name in the forums and to get people talking about me and my decks! Hasnt happend yet though! hehe
someday soon maybe though!
This thread is made so that I and all of you can tell everyone what are the decks people in your area (or indeed further afeild) think of what they think of you, or maybe even decks you like to remember when making new ones!
Me myself started my walk into seriouse UFS play with a good Maxi deck, im known for it as i made a character, that was overlooked and not overly liked at the time, into something playable! i mean it wasnt fantastic but it was also the first competative deck i had built on my own.
Next would be My Promo Lizardman which i made with some heavy help with Crazy Elf, lizardman became my first deck that won more than 2 or 3 games every now and then! Yay 2 reversals!
Then would be my masterpiece! :Sophitia: from being played off of life by Crazy Elf and doing ok with it, he disasembled it and i picked it up, made it order and ran with it. I still believe today that she was the best deck i have ever made and one of my favourites, early on in my UFS time i took it to UK nats! and then later Uk Team nats (coming second too! yay!) i loved this deck and want it back so badly!
now i belive Fio was my next big contender and was going to take her to a nearby regional untill the new bans were enforced and made fio not so good... fio was just fun for me, a bit more control than i would have liked but as long as she worked i didnt mind!
Nowerdays im more feared in the meta for my Feline Felicia off water with Yi shans attacks and warrior poet. Felicia is realy an idea that came to Viewtiful_Joe who quite kindly passed it onto me! i made the deck my own a bit and play tested liked what i saw and continued! now with the bans and erratas she is even better and now i believe my sencond best deck to date!
There you go, more decks than i thought i had to mention, but i switch characters every 2 sets or so lol.
So? what decks are memorable not only to you but those who played them?