Simple questions Simple answers

By DreadStar, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Reading through the where he wants to gather as many questions that may need answer/clarification, i think there is another hole that we could fit, quick rules clarifications for small doubts, which may not really need their own thread.

There are threads like this in all forums, and with people starting to play this game (and possibly genre), there could be lots of confusion. So if you have a simple question about the game that's not worth starting a new thread over, feel free to ask here!

What constitutes a simple question?

One that can be answered with one sentence, the shorter the better.


How many regular Xwing squadron cards come with the core? 3 or 4?

What is not a simple question?

Any questions that can't be answered shortly, or is subjective


As a rebel player, what should i buy first after the core?

Since this kind of questions require a more personal approach and interaction with the person who's asking (what do you enjoy playing, etc), he should either navigate through the forums, check tournament stats or just create their own thread.

Edit - This may be better for the general forum than the rules (specially since my examples were more general than about rules) tho.

Edited by DreadStar

But those examples don't have anything to do with the rules of the game.

Yeah, i realized later and edited below, i think this thread should be on the general forum. Dumb me.