Lately, my friends and I (we have a little fantasy book exchange circle going) have been on the hunt for good fantasy book series that we haven't read yet.
It's relatively new as I met most these guys only 6 months ago and so far I have introduced him to the "ASoIaF" series (and he absolutely loves it now - he's on A Clash of King's ) and he has introduced me to Brandon Sanderson's books (Elantris, Mistborn series, Warbreaker), which, btw, for the most part are amazing. I especially liked the Mistborn series, Sanderson has a real knack for coming up with inventive magic sytems.
Has anybody read any good fantasy series in the the past or are currently reading right now?
For the record I've read:
The aforementioned Brandon Sanderson books, most "main" Dragonlance books, most Drizzt do'Urden books, about 5 of the Wheel of Time books, of course the "ASoIaF" series, Tolkien's books, Lewis's books....etc
The one I meant to inquire is Terry Goodkind's books. I've heard good things but I tried reading the first 100 pages of "Wizard's First Rule" and I just couldn't get into it really a good series?
Anybody got any good discussions or just want to discuss any other fantasy series you deem worth your time?