And the end of my farewells

By Xenomic, in UFS General Discussion

Yup....I've decided that it's time for me to leave the forums now. Even though I haven't been THAT active as of late, I've decided that it's time for me to move on and continue onwards. Why am I going now of all times? Well.....there's really not much for me here now since I haven't played UFS in 2 some years now....and I haven't really made any cards at all as of recently either. That, and there's really not a whole lot of feedback on the stuff I've made nowadays either, which was part of the reason that I kept going with them. Granted, I may STILL make some more cards, or make new sets to post up here, but other than that, I probably won't be here at all, IF I even post those. For those that are wondering where my UFS sets and cards may be, you can always check my Photobucket page (just search for Xenomic there. You should find it. Or look for one of my topics), or my site, which is still under construction but I'll be updating it with my fansets and whatnot possibly:

It'll be a while before I actually post them up there though, so if you still want to see them, check them on my Photobucket.

Also, if you have anything to say to me, show me, yell at me, whatever.....this is your last chance to do so.

Until later space cowboys....


I have a question why is everyone leaving it seems? The game is doing better then ever before :/

Xeno's playgroup has been gone for over a year now i believe, he's just stuck around on the forums. I hope to see you around some more sometime :(

I'm sorry to see you go, man, i DID enjoy your own character creations. Speaking of which, do you take requests/suggestions for UFS cards? If so, how may i get a hold of you?

RockStar said:

I'm sorry to see you go, man, i DID enjoy your own character creations. Speaking of which, do you take requests/suggestions for UFS cards? If so, how may i get a hold of you?

I'd guess you can get a hold of him through his website listed in his message.

you can also get ahold of mr Marr at: [email protected] if you wanna talk to him on messenger, and yes his playgroup died around Origins last year he's also had a hard time finding ANY job up in his town which has lead to this.


NJBrock22 said:

you can also get ahold of mr Marr at: [email protected] if you wanna talk to him on messenger, and yes his playgroup died around Origins last year he's also had a hard time finding ANY job up in his town which has lead to this.


Yeah, it's always sad to hear when a group fails like that :( and sorry to hear about not bein able to find a job.

You can also find me at my own forum if you so choose to speak with me there, which is here:

And I do take requests if you want something made. Though how fast I'll get to it depends on how lazy I am. And yeah, getting a job around here is like winning the's just not happening....

Like I said, I MAY still post up cards that I might make here, but other than that, I'll probably just be gone otherwise except on my forum or elsewhere.

KR Decade fan, I see. ;)

Are you DiEnd?

Solstice said:

I have a question why is everyone leaving it seems? The game is doing better then ever before :/

Better than before? Really, we are playing the same game right? I will apologize ahead of tme for the negativity of this post... sorry.

We had a release in March (which was supposed to be in Feb, so it was a month late.) Then we should have had the 2nd release of the year (Tekken 6) last month in June, we are now getting it in September (3 months late). On a normal year, we would get our 3rd release in August, which would be moved back to September from the late release of Shadowar/SC4, but we are getting Tekken in Sept, so now we will get our 3rd release of the year in December (At least we all hope). Now the reason this is so bad is because we have gone to less characters per release (Which is awesome and much needed, so FFG I salute you for it.) so we had 16 characters with support in March and 2 promos with no support (Char. Count 18) we got 3 in the Fight Night Kit (Char. Count 21) we will get 5 for the Tekken release (Char. Count 26) and then 5 more in December to give us 31 characters (that is an estimation without any potential promo characters we get) It is compunded by the fact that now we are going to a single set per release, it should have been (16 + 10 + 10 + 10 + Promos = 51 Characters) wheras now it is (16 + 5 + 5 + Promos = 31) so we are down 20 characters going into next years rotation. That is why it looks bleak.

On the postivie side, we are saving money by only haveing to buy boxes of 1 set per release, if it weren't Tekken and if there were still foils, I'd buy a few boxes. Mini Block sound cool, but will suck this year due to lack of sets. It will be great next year though. And the recent bannings have sent the game in a decent direction, there's still a few things out there, but most of it got dealt with, again Kudos to FFG.

Not only that, but for me, it's really hard to play when you don't have anyone to play with for over a year.......I'm actually CONSIDERING selling my batch, but not sure WHERE to do that at (after all, right now money is more important than a game sadly).

That's sad to hear about your playgroup though it's a bit late. Also, you can try moving for a job. Lafayette is a booming city in Louisiana and is also one of the best city as of employment rate.

Moving is impossible for me. No money = no way of moving, and no license = no driving anywhere. That, and I'm in the middle of Ohio.....yeeeeeeah....good luck getting a job here .-.

NUUUUUU MY FAN CARD-MAKING ACCOMPLACE!!!!!! VonFiedler doesn't even come here no mooooooooh!

Well, I understand mon frere. The ways in which FFG is trying to "Draw" in new players as well as veterans I simply can't buy.

But hey, fare well to thee, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you around some other day.

I didn't even know VonFielder stopped coming here o_O