RTL Question...

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The game week - I have a question about the movement the heroes (and lieutenants) on the world map of the game.

Do they just move one space per "week"? Or can they move 2 spaces? I just havn't found a clear answer on that I guess.

I noticed that most of the Dungeons or towns are 2 spaces apart with an encounter in between.

So can I assume that the heroes and Lieu's move just one space per game "week"?

Or - do the heroes/Lieu's move 2 spaces to have a dungeon each week?

If I missed it in the directions - please point me in the right direction!!!

SoylentGreen said:

The game week - I have a question about the movement the heroes (and lieutenants) on the world map of the game.

Do they just move one space per "week"? Or can they move 2 spaces? I just havn't found a clear answer on that I guess.

I noticed that most of the Dungeons or towns are 2 spaces apart with an encounter in between.

So can I assume that the heroes and Lieu's move just one space per game "week"?

Or - do the heroes/Lieu's move 2 spaces to have a dungeon each week?

If I missed it in the directions - please point me in the right direction!!!

Re-read the boxed example on page 13.

Dungeons are not two spaces apart. There are no spaces. There are only normal trails, water trails, and secret trails. The heroes or a Lt move one trail during their game week, with the exceptions of any effects such as the Staff that let's the heroes move 2 trails a week. Even if you have an encounter along the trail, you will still continue to your destination along the trail.

Ok - I get that - BUT - go back to page 13.

Could they move from Tamalir - through Thelsvan Highway - on to the Gardens of Tarn - all in one "week" of the game?

Being there essentially are no "spaces" on the world map - can they just move to wherever they want to on the map (understanding the limitations for water or secret) rolling for each encounter as they go of course?

That seems too much for a "week"/turn - they would then be able to essentially move from one city to the other - facing the encounters on the way - the whole way across the map. Right? because they can choose to explore the dungeons or not - I presume they can just skip them if they want to keep moving to another place then. Then on another point - if they can do this - aren't encounters fairly easy ways for Heroes to get conquest points? Could they not just farm encounters then to boost their conquest points? - I may just be over thinking this too...

I guess I am looking for clarification on "When moving, the party moves the hero party marker from the current location on the Terrinoth map, along one trail, to a new location." Page 10.

Would the move action for the week then be:

Present location (city) - encounter space - new spot (dungeon) - (city and dungeon being the locations in the example on pg. 13)

If you were too look at it in terms of "spaces" - would it essentially then be two spaces a week? Being that all the dungeons or cities or any spot on the map is seperated by an encounter - if you counted the encounter as a "space"?

SoylentGreen said:

Ok - I get that - BUT - go back to page 13.

Could they move from Tamalir - through Thelsvan Highway - on to the Gardens of Tarn - all in one "week" of the game?

Being there essentially are no "spaces" on the world map - can they just move to wherever they want to on the map (understanding the limitations for water or secret) rolling for each encounter as they go of course?

That seems too much for a "week"/turn - they would then be able to essentially move from one city to the other - facing the encounters on the way - the whole way across the map. Right? because they can choose to explore the dungeons or not - I presume they can just skip them if they want to keep moving to another place then. Then on another point - if they can do this - aren't encounters fairly easy ways for Heroes to get conquest points? Could they not just farm encounters then to boost their conquest points? - I may just be over thinking this too...

I guess I am looking for clarification on "When moving, the party moves the hero party marker from the current location on the Terrinoth map, along one trail, to a new location." Page 10.

Would the move action for the week then be:

Present location (city) - encounter space - new spot (dungeon) - (city and dungeon being the locations in the example on pg. 13)

If you were too look at it in terms of "spaces" - would it essentially then be two spaces a week? Being that all the dungeons or cities or any spot on the map is seperated by an encounter - if you counted the encounter as a "space"?

The answer is in both Remy's answer and your own requestioning it, but you don't seem to be listening to what you are saying. ;-)

"When moving, the party moves the hero party marker from the current location on the Terrinoth map, along one trail, to a new location." Page 10.

See also pg 5 which explains (vaguely) that there are normal, secret and water trails.

Pg 13, both the normal text and the example text make it very clear what a 'trail' is.
Each trail the party travels along has the potential for an encounter...
Each trail is marked with a colored shield and a number...
The party moves from Tamalir to the Thelsvan Highway. This is a normal trail (indicated by its light brown color),...
Finally, there is the Trail Key on the mapboard itself (and on the picture of the mapboard on pg12), which shows the trails as light brown 'track', red 'tracks' or blue 'rivers'.

A Trail is the connecting line between two Locations.

Heroes (and Lts) can travel along one trail per turn (effectively moving from one location to another, adjacent location - bearing in mind that locations include both/all of towns/cities, dungeons, and Secret Master areas).

If the heroes have the special staff or guide or whatever it is, they may move along two trails in one week.

There are no such things as 'spaces'.
There are Locations (also at least once called Areas, a confusing mistake that missed editing I am certain), which include Cities, Dungeons and Secret Master Locations.
There are Trails, which are the 'routes' between locations.

Encounters are not locations, or 'spaces'. They are simply possible 'events' which could happen during a week's travel between Locations. The encounter terrain card merely represents some small, unnamed, non-unique spot that the heroes happened to camp at overnight while between Locations.

Incidentally, without the special go-faster staff, NO, the heroes cannot move from Tamalir through the Thelsvan Highway to the Gardens of Tarn in one week. That is two trails worth of travel.

Corbon said:

SoylentGreen said:

Ok - I get that - BUT - go back to page 13.

Could they move from Tamalir - through Thelsvan Highway - on to the Gardens of Tarn - all in one "week" of the game?

Being there essentially are no "spaces" on the world map - can they just move to wherever they want to on the map (understanding the limitations for water or secret) rolling for each encounter as they go of course?

That seems too much for a "week"/turn - they would then be able to essentially move from one city to the other - facing the encounters on the way - the whole way across the map. Right? because they can choose to explore the dungeons or not - I presume they can just skip them if they want to keep moving to another place then. Then on another point - if they can do this - aren't encounters fairly easy ways for Heroes to get conquest points? Could they not just farm encounters then to boost their conquest points? - I may just be over thinking this too...

I guess I am looking for clarification on "When moving, the party moves the hero party marker from the current location on the Terrinoth map, along one trail, to a new location." Page 10.

Would the move action for the week then be:

Present location (city) - encounter space - new spot (dungeon) - (city and dungeon being the locations in the example on pg. 13)

If you were too look at it in terms of "spaces" - would it essentially then be two spaces a week? Being that all the dungeons or cities or any spot on the map is seperated by an encounter - if you counted the encounter as a "space"?

The answer is in both Remy's answer and your own requestioning it, but you don't seem to be listening to what you are saying. ;-)

"When moving, the party moves the hero party marker from the current location on the Terrinoth map, along one trail, to a new location." Page 10.

See also pg 5 which explains (vaguely) that there are normal, secret and water trails.

Pg 13, both the normal text and the example text make it very clear what a 'trail' is.
Each trail the party travels along has the potential for an encounter...
Each trail is marked with a colored shield and a number...
The party moves from Tamalir to the Thelsvan Highway. This is a normal trail (indicated by its light brown color),...
Finally, there is the Trail Key on the mapboard itself (and on the picture of the mapboard on pg12), which shows the trails as light brown 'track', red 'tracks' or blue 'rivers'.

A Trail is the connecting line between two Locations.

Heroes (and Lts) can travel along one trail per turn (effectively moving from one location to another, adjacent location - bearing in mind that locations include both/all of towns/cities, dungeons, and Secret Master areas).

If the heroes have the special staff or guide or whatever it is, they may move along two trails in one week.

There are no such things as 'spaces'.
There are Locations (also at least once called Areas, a confusing mistake that missed editing I am certain), which include Cities, Dungeons and Secret Master Locations.
There are Trails, which are the 'routes' between locations.

Encounters are not locations, or 'spaces'. They are simply possible 'events' which could happen during a week's travel between Locations. The encounter terrain card merely represents some small, unnamed, non-unique spot that the heroes happened to camp at overnight while between Locations.

Incidentally, without the special go-faster staff, NO, the heroes cannot move from Tamalir through the Thelsvan Highway to the Gardens of Tarn in one week. That is two trails worth of travel.



Thanks - you cleared it up perfectly for me. :)