Super weapons in Black Crusade

By Greatest_Dude, in Black Crusade

so we have just started our Black Crusade and i am trying to come up with neat super weapons to have for our mighty war upon the Imperium!

do you guys have any super weapons in your games and if so what are they?

You don't need no superweapon to wage war. You need a steady stream of regular ones, logistics, reserves, supply lines and inter-comms.

The PC themselves are the super weapons!!!

There is a thread already talking about all the various super weapons out there. I think its on the DW side of things.

RT has way more dakka than the entirety of deathwatch. Question is, do you need it?

Super weapons?? No no no. You dont need overcompensating big guns. You need armies. Supplies. Ships. Planets. Champions don't need giant bombs, they need hordes at their command to lay waste to worlds in their name and fleets to move them closer to the next slaughter. Exterminatus does not please the gods the same way a titanic world ending battle with millions of warriors soaked in blood and flooded with emotion.

But the extermination of life in one fell swoop is probably enough to give birth to a powerful new daemon, one possibly willing to empower the champion that caused it's being.

Super Weapons have their place. Abaddons Planet Killer might kill planets, nice like nothing else could do that too... yet it always attracts a ton of imperial attention and might open a gap for other forces to perform their actions without hitting the entirety of the local defense forces. It will work like a Kansas City Shuffle. At place A you initiate a big battle while on place B you attack some Astartes Chapter Fortress (Now low on manpower) and take their gene seed in Huron Style.

On its own super weapons are... well... super. Everybody has them and at this point they are nothing special. Killing of a planet might grant you some favor but a conquered world, where people are slaughtered in the name of khorne for the next ten millenia might be a better investment.

Superweapons are a good thing to have but you don't need lots of them, you do need lots of boots on the ground. Even with Abaddon's planet killer you can't single handedly wage a war versus the entire Imperial Navy because for all its apocalyptic power it is still a ship and will get wiped out with enough lance batteries, torpedos and macrocannon rounds against it. Plus you can have all the cyclonic torpedoes and virus bombs in the Segmentum but if its all on one ship you would seldom live long enough to deploy it.

As above you do need your armies, your cannon fodder, the meat for the grinder to keep you shielded and get in the way of the enemy big guns and you.

Super weapons?? No no no. You dont need overcompensating big guns. You need armies. Supplies. Ships. Planets. Champions don't need giant bombs, they need hordes at their command to lay waste to worlds in their name and fleets to move them closer to the next slaughter. Exterminatus does not please the gods the same way a titanic world ending battle with millions of warriors soaked in blood and flooded with emotion.

I do dispute this though and disagree with you. Exterminatus tier weapons have their place either as a threat to your enemy or as a tool to be used. It pleases the gods and many of them don't care whether it was done either on the ground in a mass battle or by having someone enact a ritual and press a button. Either way, billions of Imperial souls are lost screaming to the warp as a planet is burned and ripped apart in their names and will surely result in their favour for such actions.

Furthermore, a Champion does not require the huge legions either. Who is the greater servant of chaos and the true champion? Would it be the Chaos Lord who strides across the battlefield in his terminator armour, wielding a dark blade in the name of the gods, covered in the boons of his dark masters and laying waste to the Imperium's finest in a climactic war with millions falling around them or is it the humble unsanctioned psyker who explores too deeply into ruinous tomes, his mind a conduit for new ideas and theories about the warp and allow that seed of Chaos to take root on a new homeworld and spread as he tells others of what he knows and thus the creep of corruption and decay spreads slowly and quietly? I know who would deserve more prestige in such a situation. At the end of it, Chaos wants worshippers, devotion, souls that are theirs to claim from it all. Ideally a living one is more use to them than a dead one.

Edited by Calgor Grim

"A need for super weapons": poll conducted inside the Eye of Terror on the daemon world Graves XII.

  • World Eaters : "Ragh! Anything bigger than a banelord is a coward's tool! All you need is a chainaxe! BFTBG!!!"
  • Iron warriors : "You don't need super weapons, just a super fortress, full of mega weapons..."
  • Alpha Legion: "Super weapons are no good. Hijacking your enemies' super weapons on the other hand..."
  • Word Bearers: "A super weapon may kill a planet, but faith alone will overturn the universe!"
  • Black legion: "Get ALL the super weapons! The Planet Killer alone is not enough! We need more Blackstone fortresses!"
  • Night Lords: "Fear is the greatest weapon of all! Fear of this fully operational battlesta- err... I mean fear of the dark!"
  • Death Guard : " These Virus bombs aren't super weapons! They are gift packages from father Nurgle."
  • Emperors Children: "Oh yeah a big hot Super weapon, with a looong phallic barrel...And it shoots music! Evil music!"
  • Thousand Sons: "Nope, magic. Magic is all you need. Next question!"
Edited by Robin Graves

Superweapons are a good thing to have but you don't need lots of them, you do need lots of boots on the ground. Even with Abaddon's planet killer you can't single handedly wage a war versus the entire Imperial Navy because for all its apocalyptic power it is still a ship and will get wiped out with enough lance batteries, torpedos and macrocannon rounds against it. Plus you can have all the cyclonic torpedoes and virus bombs in the Segmentum but if its all on one ship you would seldom live long enough to deploy it.

As above you do need your armies, your cannon fodder, the meat for the grinder to keep you shielded and get in the way of the enemy big guns and you.

Super weapons?? No no no. You dont need overcompensating big guns. You need armies. Supplies. Ships. Planets. Champions don't need giant bombs, they need hordes at their command to lay waste to worlds in their name and fleets to move them closer to the next slaughter. Exterminatus does not please the gods the same way a titanic world ending battle with millions of warriors soaked in blood and flooded with emotion.

I do dispute this though and disagree with you. Exterminatus tier weapons have their place either as a threat to your enemy or as a tool to be used. It pleases the gods and many of them don't care whether it was done either on the ground in a mass battle or by having someone enact a ritual and press a button. Either way, billions of Imperial souls are lost screaming to the warp as a planet is burned and ripped apart in their names and will surely result in their favour for such actions.

Furthermore, a Champion does not require the huge legions either. Who is the greater servant of chaos and the true champion? Would it be the Chaos Lord who strides across the battlefield in his terminator armour, wielding a dark blade in the name of the gods, covered in the boons of his dark masters and laying waste to the Imperium's finest in a climactic war with millions falling around them or is it the humble unsanctioned psyker who explores too deeply into ruinous tomes, his mind a conduit for new ideas and theories about the warp and allow that seed of Chaos to take root on a new homeworld and spread as he tells others of what he knows and thus the creep of corruption and decay spreads slowly and quietly? I know who would deserve more prestige in such a situation. At the end of it, Chaos wants worshippers, devotion, souls that are theirs to claim from it all. Ideally a living one is more use to them than a dead one.

I do t totally disagree with you on any point. I do though, tend to live by a single axiom.

"Power is not what you can do, but what you can make your minions do for you."

I typically play really domineering types, so this may color my thoughts on the matter.

I once devised a doomsday device for my players to use: An Ordinatus-level sonic cannon that had subliminal messages and hidden cultists inside, waiting to bind the Daemon Prince character in the party into a daemon weapon for their antagonist.