Movement (to FFG)

By daloonieshaman, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

These questions are directed to FFG as the forum cannot come to a consensus

When you go to move a ship:

1) Do you "teleport"? Picking up your ship at the starting point A and placing it at starting ending point B or do you move along the maneuver tool ignoring obstacles along your path.?

  • If your ship moves along the path of the maneuver tool and that path takes you out of the play area would you be destroyed
  • Or do you "teleport" to your ending point and if your ending point is in the play area you are not destroyed (a wild hard turn that moves you from the play area, off the play area, then back on the play area)

2) Overlapping Squadrons

  • Can you overlap a squadron and place part of the squadron base out of the play area as long as the squadron base it touching the overlapping ship (thus destroying the squadron)
  • or must you place the squadron so that it is legally in the play area and touching the overlapping ship

(I thank the community for their input and your overwhelming desire to share your input in response to this query. Please be a sport and give FFG a chance to respond to this particular query before bogging it down with tons of responses.)

These questions are discussed in the general forum so if you are not a rep of FFG please add to those sections as your input is valued and important.

the links are ...

You should use the "rules question" function on this very site if you want an official answer. I cannot remember a time when someone form FFG answered a rules question directly in the forum

I'm not aware of any dissent on either of these points:

1) you do indeed "teleport", ignoring obstacles and ships that your end position does not overlap. (RRG pg. 11, Ship Movement)

2) That's certainly a possibility, but something your opponent would choose to do. An example: I move my VSD in a way that overlaps your X-Wing squadron and two of my TIE Fighter squadrons. The three squadrons are all moved from their current position, then you (as my opponent, "the player not moving the ship") decide where to place all three squadrons along the base of my ship. I don't see anything dictating that those locations need to keep any of the squadrons within the legal field of play. Only obstacles are ignored by this forced movement. (RRG pg. 8 Overlapping). Don't keep your ships close to the edge of the play area, I guess.

Edited by Brian_Black

You should use the "rules question" function on this very site if you want an official answer. I cannot remember a time when someone form FFG answered a rules question directly in the fo

Thank You I found the area

Edited by daloonieshaman

You should use the "rules question" function on this very site if you want an official answer. I cannot remember a time when someone form FFG answered a rules question directly in the forum

would you happen to have a link?

You can get there via the contact link at the bottom of the page.

I'm not aware of any dissent on either of these points:

1) you do indeed "teleport", ignoring obstacles and ships that your end position does not overlap. (RRG pg. 11, Ship Movement)

2) That's certainly a possibility, but something your opponent would choose to do. An example: I move my VSD in a way that overlaps your X-Wing squadron and two of my TIE Fighter squadrons. The three squadrons are all moved from their current position, then you (as my opponent, "the player not moving the ship") decide where to place all three squadrons along the base of my ship. I don't see anything dictating that those locations need to keep any of the squadrons within the legal field of play. Only obstacles are ignored by this forced movement. (RRG pg. 8 Overlapping). Don't keep your ships close to the edge of the play area, I guess.

Thank You

I agree to disagree

You should use the "rules question" function on this very site if you want an official answer. I cannot remember a time when someone form FFG answered a rules question directly in the fo

Thank You I found the area

When you get your answer, be a hero to all and post what FFG said back into this thread. ;)

For sure

I would like to know either way as it affects the finer points of strategic play

I'm also going to say yes, that would be a legal move - keeping in mind, as pointed out above, that for someone to do this to you, you would have had to have overlapped one or more of your own squadrons AWFULLY close to the edge of the play area, which is a bad idea all around. ;)

I would have to say until ruled otherwise, it falls under fairly unambiguous wording of the Play Area section of the RRG and the Overlapping rules section of the LTP, resolved like so:

Step 1: If the moving ship’s final position overlaps one or more squadrons, the moving ship finishes its movement normally and the players move any overlapped squadrons out of the way. Then, the player who is not moving the ship places all of the overlapped squadrons, regardless of who owns them, next to the ship so that their bases are touching the ship’s base.
Step 2: If any portion of a ship’s or squadron’s base is outside the play area, that ship or squadron is destroyed. For this purpose, ignore activation sliders, shield dials, and the plastic portions of a ship’s base that frame shield dials.
That makes it fairly unambiguous, as written, to me, so long as the squadron can be placed so that it is both touching the base of the displacing ship AND extending any part of the squadron base outside the edge of the play area.

The answer to your first question is pretty clear, you pick up your ship and then place it. You do not trace the path. As already pointed out the rules are pretty clear on this.

As for your other question, that is not clear but i think the intention is that the squads remain in play, they have just been displaced, not destroyed.

Edited by Ghost Dancer

In regard to overlapping, everybody seems to agree, the rules read as such:

  • You can put the squadrons anywhere along the base.
  • If any portion of the base is outside the play area, it is destroyed.

I see the overlapping topic shaking down like this. Whoever gets to place the squadrons, must place them within the field of play . FFG is just going to have to spell it out.

The trick, that I think is being hinted to, is destroying opposing (or friendly :huh: ) squadrons by intentionally moving them off the play area.

Edited by Handsome G

yes it is beardy and exactly the thing I see people trying to do in tournaments

I have it on good authority that this will most likely be clarified to state they must be placed inside the play area, to avoid such shenanigans, before too long. :ph34r:

I have it on good authority ...

Care to elaborate? ;)

To ensure accurate and complete information, we are spending time collecting questions and compiling answers for Star Wars: Armada . Once this process is complete, we will answer your question in a timely manner.

Thanks for playing!
James Kniffen
Game Designer
Fantasy Flight Games

email from FFG

Yeah, that's a pretty standard reply from them on a new game. They usually don't send many email responses until the first FAQ is released (meanwhile, including the common questions in the FAQ itself).