RTL conquest question

By Ubbo_Sathla, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does the OL gain 3 conquest when he runs threw his deck? nowhere in the FAQ or RTL book does it state that, infact it states that the dungeons should be run acording to vanila descent. i found the changes that state the OL gains conquest for killing heros instead of making them lose. so acording to what i have read do the heroes lose 3 conquest when the OL runs threw his deck? if i somehow missed the rule that clarifys this plz let me know what page it is on or where in the faq it is located. THX:)

Ubbo_Sathla said:

Does the OL gain 3 conquest when he runs threw his deck? nowhere in the FAQ or RTL book does it state that, infact it states that the dungeons should be run acording to vanila descent. i found the changes that state the OL gains conquest for killing heros instead of making them lose. so acording to what i have read do the heroes lose 3 conquest when the OL runs threw his deck? if i somehow missed the rule that clarifys this plz let me know what page it is on or where in the faq it is located. THX:)

No, you pretty much got it. OL goes through his deck, and he gains 3CT.

where is the rule tho that states the OL gains 3 conquest when he goes threw his deck?

It's in the original Descent rulebook, page 11, second paragraph under Overlord Cards.

"When the overlord player draws the last card in the overlord deck, the heroes immediately lose three conquest tokens."

Karui_Kage said:

It's in the original Descent rulebook, page 11, second paragraph under Overlord Cards.

"When the overlord player draws the last card in the overlord deck, the heroes immediately lose three conquest tokens."

And since no one loses CT in RtL, the OL gains it instead. Same way that when a Hero dies the OL gains CT instead of the Heroes losing it.

EDIT: For those who have to see a written rule on it, it was answered in the GLoAQ thread:

Does the Overlord gain Conquest when he cycles through his deck?
When the OL cycles his deck in RtL he does indeed gain 3 conquest.

But that is only if the OL goes through his deck on one level of a dungeon right? (And if the OL goes through his deck 3 times in the entirety of the 3 dungeon levels the heroes are automatically removed from the dungeon if I recall? Is there any added conquest for that too? I know I can read - but I thought I would ask lol.)

SoylentGreen said:

But that is only if the OL goes through his deck on one level of a dungeon right? (And if the OL goes through his deck 3 times in the entirety of the 3 dungeon levels the heroes are automatically removed from the dungeon if I recall? Is there any added conquest for that too? I know I can read - but I thought I would ask lol.)

The latest FAQ changed that slightly.
FAQ pg 9
The Overlord's Deck
If the Overlord cycles through his deck twice in the same dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon and are forced to flee it. Note that the Overlord's Keep is not subject to this rule.

There is no extra CT bonus for ejecting the heroes. Forcing them out of the dungeon and back to Tamalir, obviously against their plans, is reward enough. Not to mention if they are that slow through a level you are kicking their arse quite badly anyway (with the possibly exception of a really focused cycling deck using the discard 2/turn power and Evil Genius).

Corbon said:

SoylentGreen said:

But that is only if the OL goes through his deck on one level of a dungeon right? (And if the OL goes through his deck 3 times in the entirety of the 3 dungeon levels the heroes are automatically removed from the dungeon if I recall? Is there any added conquest for that too? I know I can read - but I thought I would ask lol.)

The latest FAQ changed that slightly.
FAQ pg 9
The Overlord's Deck
If the Overlord cycles through his deck twice in the same dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon and are forced to flee it. Note that the Overlord's Keep is not subject to this rule.

There is no extra CT bonus for ejecting the heroes. Forcing them out of the dungeon and back to Tamalir, obviously against their plans, is reward enough. Not to mention if they are that slow through a level you are kicking their arse quite badly anyway (with the possibly exception of a really focused cycling deck using the discard 2/turn power and Evil Genius).

FWIW, urgency and evil genius are HUGE on legendary dungeons. Just play th EG first so you make sure and get it out.

SoylentGreen said:

But that is only if the OL goes through his deck on one level of a dungeon right? (And if the OL goes through his deck 3 times in the entirety of the 3 dungeon levels the heroes are automatically removed from the dungeon if I recall? Is there any added conquest for that too? I know I can read - but I thought I would ask lol.)

Its 3CT each and everytime the OL cycles through his deck in a dungeon. So if he managed, due to either really good play on his part or horrible play on the hero's part three times over the course of a dungeon (which I think he could do, otherwise I guess it would be twice) it would be 9CT (6CT if I'm wrong about the number).

This makes me think, and I'm probably wrong, how many times can the OL cycle now in a whole dungeon? I guess it would still be 3 max right? So say one cycle and then half through the deck on Level 1, go through the other half (so cycle #2) on the next level but then gets through say a quarter of the deck before the heroes go to Level 3. Say he gets through there (cycle #3), the heroes still have one more deck cycle before getting kicked out due to the FAQ change.

I think I liked it the old way, 3 times in a dungeon and you were out.

So also - with regards to cycling through the deck on a dungeon level...

Lets say for example - (I believe this was discussed before - but I wanted to clarify)

So first level of the dungeon - me as the OL gets about 90% of the way through my deck.

I don't reshuffle the deck on the dungeon level change - correct?

So essentially - if I start the next dungeon level with only 10% of the deck left - and can get through it (the 10% plus once through) on that level quickly - I can eject the heroes... as technically I would have reshuffled twice on that level.

Is that right?

SoylentGreen said:

So also - with regards to cycling through the deck on a dungeon level...

Lets say for example - (I believe this was discussed before - but I wanted to clarify)

So first level of the dungeon - me as the OL gets about 90% of the way through my deck.

I don't reshuffle the deck on the dungeon level change - correct?

So essentially - if I start the next dungeon level with only 10% of the deck left - and can get through it (the 10% plus once through) on that level quickly - I can eject the heroes... as technically I would have reshuffled twice on that level.

Is that right?

First question: Correct, you do not shuffle your deck at the start of the second or third level of the dungeon. You only shuffle the deck at the start of the first level and when the deck is exhausted.

Second question: No. You would need to go through the deck again to eject the heroes. Say you have two cards in the OL draw deck at the start of the second level. You would draw those cards on your first turn and reshuffle the discard pile. That is the first time. If you then exhaust the OL deck during the second level, the heroes would be ejected.

SoylentGreen said:

So essentially - if I start the next dungeon level with only 10% of the deck left - and can get through it ( the 10% plus once through ) on that level quickly - I can eject the heroes... as technically I would have reshuffled twice on that level.

Is that right?

Yes. If you had 10% of your deck left over from Level 1 and got through it on Level 2. You shuffle and that makes Cycle 1. Then if you manage to get through it again, you would eject the Heroes.

edroz said:

Second question: No. You would need to go through the deck again to eject the heroes. Say you have two cards in the OL draw deck at the start of the second level. You would draw those cards on your first turn and reshuffle the discard pile. That is the first time. If you then exhaust the OL deck during the second level, the heroes would be ejected.

Second question: Yeah - that's what I meant to say in there - but I wasn't really clear in how I was wording it. You answered how I was trying to say it. :)

Just a quick question,

I haven't played in a while and last night my OL deck seemed a bit light.

Playing RTL with All three expansions (WoD, AoD, ToI) How many cards deep is the OL's deck?

Martyr13 said:

Just a quick question,

I haven't played in a while and last night my OL deck seemed a bit light.

Playing RTL with All three expansions (WoD, AoD, ToI) How many cards deep is the OL's deck?

Not an exact answer but it's something like 48 IIRC...
I'm sure someone else can give the complete breakdown. THe details are available somewhere, but I am not sure where.

JitD: 36 cards

WoD: 3 cards

AoD: 6 cards

ToI: 3 cards (there is no Lone Wendigo)

Total: 48.

Ahh, thanks guys.

I guess it was just feelin' like a weak deck. I am excited to be playing again...found new dudes that are true gamers!