Michigan Players

By Lurtz, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Looking to meet up and play with players in and around Michigan.

Let us know, I know I am!

I'm from Toledo, but could make the occasional event in the Detroit or Ann Arbor area.

I'm in Novi. I typically go to Flat Land Games just off I-96 in Wixom. I talked to the owner on Friday when I picked up my core and he is planing on having a casual tournament in the next week or 2 on a Friday. They have alot of tables and wood 3x3 "play mats" to use.

There is a Facebook group that people use to find players: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flatlandgamers/

Flatland Games Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlatLandGames

Edited by ifandbut

Livonia MI, so anywhere between Detroit and Ann Arbor isn't to bad.

Ann Arbor here. Fun 4 All is my favorite local hang out for everything nerd :)

I'm also in Ann Arbor and Fun 4 All is my favorite store in the area.

I'm currently on the fence about Armada partially because I don't want to plop down the cash if I never get to play against anybody. This thread has me optimistic that we will have players in our neck of the woods.

Hi, I'm Joe and am at F4A playing X-wing quite a lot, sometimes Attack Wing and Netrunner. I should be getting a core set in soon and am going to force the fellow above to try it with me, though not sure when yet. Would definitely be interested in getting some games in!

I am also a frequenter of Flatlands games in Wixom. In fact we just had a 4 person game tonight i know for a fact that several customers have perchashed core sets.

I went all the way and got 2 cores, love the system and will be free to play often with people in and around my area. thats you a4!

Flatlands in wixom is planning on making friday armada night.

Indomitable, you're right next to me, loved to get a friendly game in or you could come over to flatlands? :)

Wed love to have you Dmeboy

For anyone interested Friday will see many gamers with X wing and Armada at flatland games (there is an X wing tournie)

I will be there probably after 6 if anyone is interested in a casual game :)


Edited by Lurtz

I am also a frequenter of Flatlands games in Wixom. In fact we just had a 4 person game tonight i know for a fact that several customers have perchashed core sets.

Ya, that 300 point game was good fun. I cant wait till there are more options for upgrades and squadrons.

Canton here. Just got my core set in the mail a few days ago, and I'm very interested to dig into it and try it out.

If you can make it too flatlands friday around 6ish id love to help you with that :)

If you can make it too flatlands friday around 6ish id love to help you with that :)

Sounds good! I'll hopefully study up a bit before then.

We've had a few games together at flat lands now and id say theres a group of 8 or more of us who will likely play pretty consistently especially after wave 1 comes out. Hopefully the store owner will also be hosting tournaments. He has gotten his op kits in.

Penguin did you get your core yet? I've never ben to F4A before but id be glad to come over there to play a game with you guys :)

Edited by Lurtz

I am in the Central Michigan area, Lansing/Mt. Pleasant, (Alma/St. Louis area to be exact). If you want to get a game in let me know!!!

Ann arbor here as well, I mainly head to Fun 4 All and Flat Lands when I get any free time.

Edited by Redleader19

I'm in Temperance, MI which is essentially Toledo, OH. I've 2 young ones at home, but I am always up for trying to make it to events.

Oops, didn't check back here for a while. Did get the core set and played a few games. Next couple weeks are kind of busy but after that would be up for a few, esp. when wave 1 comes out.

I just got a core set and would love to get in on some organized play! I live in Redford during the week and Ypsilanti on weekends (long story), so I can make it to FLG or F4A, though RIW in Livonia is closest for me. I currently play Dropzone Commander at FLG every other Friday, but that league ends in late May. While I'm definitely down for some casual games I'd also be really interested in some tournaments, does anyone know if anyone is running any in the next couple of months?

Now that wave 1 is out, I'm looking to get out and play on a consistent basis. Flatlands, RIW, or Pandemonium are the closet to me. Could make it to Ann Arbor, but with work, kids and what not that's a bit tougher. Planning to drop by flatlands this evening.

Hey everyone, any news on places running their spring kits?

Spoke with the owner of Flatlands, current estimate is first Friday in June.

Hi i have the core and all of wave one. and i would love to play the game. any any one playing this on a reg basis?

Im going to be at flatlands tommorrow after 6 probably. If anyone wants to show up id love to get a game in :)

I will be stopping by Flatlands as well. Won't normally be able to make it out weekly but would like to see if we can get a group coming out a couple times a month or biweekly or something.

I'll probably be by Flatlands tomorrow as well. It may be worth also posting in the Michigan Armada group to get a more regular meetup going.