Vanilla staircases

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Questions probably already asked/answer, just cant find them.

We played Q5, Last Wishes, yesterday(I as OL happen to love area 1), when the question of staircases came up. Heroes managed to get to the staircases and run down, yet I had some monster in area 1 I wanted to lead down the staircases. Then I read in the rules regarding staircases "...."by using one movement point, a hero(but not a monster) may move from a space containing a staircase to any space containing another staircase of the same color.". WHAT???? Am I not allowed to move my two treasured master beastmen down there(and also some of the other small monsters still alive). I am aware they are not the most intelligent creations made by god(Kevin) but surely they MUST know how to move down some stairs? It seems not, forcing me to rethink my tactics. Well down into area two I managed to knockback a herotank back to the staircase. Now some new questions arose, like is it possible to knockback a player "up/down" the staircase? I ruled no, yet I think I could have ruled yes. Beastmen masters standing in staircase in area 1 smashing the tank through/via the staircase did hurt alot, but not enough to kill him. I am desperate to kill this hero, sending my skeletons archers in area 2 towards the hero. Now, does the command ability work through staircases? Is the beastman master in area 1 yelling through the portal "yes men ehh skellies, I am here, only 3 spaces away from you, I`ll give you the +1 command bonus?". I must admit it was hard for me to take a decision. Of course I wanted it, for now at least, but is it correct? Cant find anything about it in the rules I have. What about other abilities, like aura, blast, breath, grapple, divine retribution and others?

Lots of questions, I`ll summarize it:

1) Are monsters(small and large) allowed to move through staircases in any ways?

2) Is it possible to knockback a hero and/or a monster from one staircasespace to another?(staircases are considered to be "other props")

3) How does Special abilites work along with staircases(especially command in this case)? Is staircase A considered to be adjacent to staircase B(some colored staircases), and are both considered to be one(separete) space for purpose of distance(breath, blast, divine retribution)?

A final question, as we are going to play the same scenario this week(yes, OL won):

4) Sigh, the dragon in the end(Tog) is 1 or 2 shotted? Heroes managed to launch 3 attacks against dragon, two of them missed. Had it not been for that, heroes would have won. Is there any ways I as OL can avoid it? I often find the last boss very easy to kill(ok, its a strong monster, but yet they only need to kill that one to win, ignoring everything else in the room for victory). Any advices from other OL regarding this matter?

1) Small monsters are allowed to move through staircases, large ones are not (see FAQ).

2) Debatable. Since moving from one stair to another is performing a movement action (which happens to cost 1 MP), a strict reading would say that Knockback through stairs is not allowed (since the Knockbacked figure moves three spaces and does not receive MP). Similarly, moving a monkey or a familiar through stairs is not allowed according to the rules, yet this can cause very strange results.

3) Again debatable. The stairs are adjacent for purposes of an attack. Further clarification is only available for Blast (for which they are counted as being adjacent, see old Wiki/GLoAQ) and Breath (which is not allowed to go through). No official word on Command, Aura, Divine Retribution, Kirga´s ability, etc. that I am aware of.

4) Well, if the heros have decent weapons and get two or three attacks against the boss, then he´s toast most of the times. Save one or more Dodges for him but better yet block the access route to him to cause delays.