Putting the boxing gloves away-Goodbye and Good Luck

By Sir_SI, in UFS General Discussion

Unfortunately, my love for this game has diminished greatly over the last year. My conclusion has come to the fact that this game mechanics, still inherently penalizes attacking, and I no longer find the game enjoyable. I find that mill is still the best archetype in this game, and no longer wish to play this game. I don't like the way the game has changed into something where people run the fewest attacks possible and just play a game of foundation control.

I remember some words that were given to me at US nationals - "no one remembers 2nd place". I guess that applies to top 3 to top 8. Consistently, I have been defeated in top 8's of various major events. I have come to the realization, that no matter what decks I build, no matter how much I test and train, there will always be someone who is just plain better then me and will outclass me. Only once, was I able to win anything, so to my name all I have is 1 win at regionals. My inability to obtain my country's national title is also deeply upsetting when I was sure I was the best Canadian player at the time. There are only so many loses that I can take, as I have a huge ego.

Lastly, I am fed up with the diversity rule of this game, because it stifles creativity and hurts players greatly. I had huge problems with JT for a long time, not because I couldn't beat the deck (never an issue for me), but because I couldn't play the deck because one of my friends was already using the deck and I didn't want to try to knock him out of top 8. Diversity hurts this game, and doesn't belong. I feel I shouldn't have made top 8 at this year's can nats if I didn't earn it, I finished in 10th place, and should not have made it. Last year at worlds, I finished with a 5-1-1 record losing to Hata's 5-2-0 record and getting diversified. Honestly, the rule is one of the things that pushes me away from this game because it scews results and makes people sandbag and do weird things like not run the best deck.

I know I am being a bit negative, but I wanted to finish on a positive note.
This game's community is one of the best, and I've travelled for other games like MTG so I am able to compare. I enjoyed travelling to last year's Gencon, and seeing people from various AOP's, and regionals and other major events. I have met many great people because of this game and have had many great experiences and travelled to places I would have never gone to because of this game. I wish to say a proper goodbye, and wished to thank you all for all the great experiences and challenges that you guys have provided for me. It's been a blast and it was fun while it lasted.

I may return in a year or two so I do hope this game doesn't just crash or anything like that, best wishes and all ****.

I just wanted to give a couple of shout outs to the following groups and people.
Team Foxhound - my crew
Team Phail (you guys are a blast to hang out with)
Antigoth (busyist non-FFG guy),
Team Red/Green Triangle
UFS House
Omar (best character in UFS)
Scott Gaines
Garrett Brett-always nice to see you at various places
Atl Crew- ben is the craziest drunk mofo in the UFS, how is this guy even alive?
Ottawa Playgroup and the Toronto Playgroup-always nice seeing you guys too bad we never went drinking....

Im sorry to see you go but with the recent bannings and such didnt the game just take a huge step away from the foundation war? Either way I hope that you return to the game in the future. Good luck with whatever it is your going to do =3

Hey I wish you good luck on your future endeavors Sajir, and just letting you know, If you feel you are a champion in your heart, no one can ever take that away from you.

we'll miss your wildness and craziness shajir, i hope you come back down the road man! thanks for the props, it's always a pleasure kicking it with you.

Boo effin hoo! You wanna talk about ego? My ego says I'm pissed your quitting before I have the chance to play you with one of my decks! U wanna mention not winning something major?? I haven't lost one normal tounement in NY since Hata left and I'm easily the best in NY(Omar hasn't beat me since Voldo) but in majors I always get boned. I swore I wouldn't loose to anything at Nats but Gill, bet ur ass 2nd round I face Mr. Herr with his Gill deck.. Ok no biggie I'll win the rest right?? Wrong I get boned again by a bum ass ruling on Dead For One Thousand Years that I hear is getting overturned now...

So I guess what I'm saying is stop bitching and come to my final Worlds before I go to the Air Force. Cuz I'll miss u buddy llorando.gif

Well crap.

Now I have to go down to Oshawa to enjoy the pleasure of your company rather than to play card games!

Yes I will still find a way to come down at one point.

I can never understand this. "I'm not the best, so I quit". So, should there only be 1 player - the "best" player? But then, if nobody plays because they aren't the best, what good is being the best - you'd be the ONLY.

Oh well.

Edit: Though yes, game's sucked for a long time, for the aforementioned reasons.


I'm going to come out straight here. As active as I can be on the forums... I heard of your post by way of a friend who means a great deal to me but who has a lot to learn about friendship and my desired role in his eventual maturity. Where some are willing to coddle and comfort him in his times of insecurity I have no problem with holding him to the standard I set and the one that he deserves. I'm sure that you can relate. Having misread your post, he told me that your 'ego' had burdened you to the point where you could no longer play. He laughed at this prospect, having never met you, but burdened by what some people think of your brash, outspoken, and confident attitude, and took it on himself to relish in your figurative defeat. I know this means very little to you now, but it is proof that you had a great impact on the game, your name, your approach, and your passion has been noticed far and wide and by those that haven't even had the pleasure of meeting you.

There comes a time when everyone has to move on. And you, above and beyond any other, have the strength of mind to make a strong acknowledgement of what you see and what you want to see going forward in a game that I'm sure held a great deal of your interest and passion in the past.

I'm not going to speak to your comments on diversity because a large part of me agrees... but a larger part of me thinks that, barring any other issues, the best of a certain charater will consistently win a round robin and a top cut. And since you largely admit no one remembers anyone but first... why not have diversity? It would be far better if characters, and cards, that are blatantly overpowered or provide a negative play experience be isolated in playtesting and/or, becuase this is not always practical, be addressed sooner rather than later. We have to be fair to the arbiters of our game here, as we all play in different tournaments and at different times, there is a certain difficulty (that can't be met with commiting foundations) that is faced when making the big decisions, especially those that affect the most prominent and active of players and groups.

There is also no doubt that I can attest to your words on mill, or rather defense in this game. As much as the offensive symbols have the ability to end games, there are strong symbols and characters that can provide the most answers and more consistently, i.e. they do not rely 'as much' on drawing the right attack at the right time, wheras most offensive decks do... I know it is why I was attracted to playing mill decks in my first 3 forays into competitive play, and I know it is why I will be drawn back. Namely, with a defensive deck I have more control over winning, 'I can draw multiple options as answers' as oppsoed to the one or two attacks I need as problems.

I know that there is nothing I can say to bring you back into the game, and for that matter there is nothing I would want to say. You have made your decision and you are a man of class and character, you may look back and have doubts about having made the right choice, but I know you have made the right choice for you here and now.

I'm going to leave you there, and obviously with the most important part of any departure, the well wishes gui%C3%B1o.gif You are right about the community. Here's hoping that, above and beyond the great times and enjoyable matches you have surely had, you can take away what is truly important, and that is the people and lessons that can help you grow as an individual, in your career, in your life, and in your heart. You have my contact information, you have me as an acquaintance, but more importantly a friend, do not for a second think that means any less than what it does.

We will be in touch, and for now I can only wish you all the best in every one of your endeavors, from finding the perfect girl to acquiring that job and perfect position in the Company you work for, I have faith in your desire to make your dreams become a reality. Ego or not, you will get what you deserve, and it will always be the best that you can hope for, that is what my brief time with you has taught me ^^

Many thanx,

- dutpotd (Garett Brett)