New Qustions about some rules!!!

By zarikaz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all guys...i'm new on this forum! I'm sry for my bad english!

I need some clarify about some rules

1: Guard order

Can a Hero with a guard order makes an "Opportunity Attck" against a monster which isn't active? I try to clarify... if the OL active a "Monster A", can my hero in guard interrupt OL's turn to attack another "Monster B", even if he's in another zone of the map?

Can a Hero with a guard order makes an "opportunity attack" against an actived monster even if he hasn't LoS? I refered to Tahlia's ability: E.g. OL actives a monster just around the corner... at the moment of the activation Thalia hasn't LoS. Can she declares "opportunity attack", uses her ability, moves around the corner and attacks the monster, even if at the beginning she didn't see its????

2: Necromancy

What happen if necromancer dies? Is the controlled monster rest controlled? I can't find this clarify. I search on all rulebooks but nothing.

I have rulebook only in my lenguage...reading this forum i don't understand very well if which u call "master monster" are the monsters with RED miniatures. If it's so... a hero with necromancy...can't he control them??? i think my rulebook's translation isn't good about this point.

Thx very much for your help!

zarikaz said:

Hi all guys...i'm new on this forum! I'm sry for my bad english!

I need some clarify about some rules

1: Guard order

Can a Hero with a guard order makes an "Opportunity Attck" against a monster which isn't active? I try to clarify... if the OL active a "Monster A", can my hero in guard interrupt OL's turn to attack another "Monster B", even if he's in another zone of the map?

Can a Hero with a guard order makes an "opportunity attack" against an actived monster even if he hasn't LoS? I refered to Tahlia's ability: E.g. OL actives a monster just around the corner... at the moment of the activation Thalia hasn't LoS. Can she declares "opportunity attack", uses her ability, moves around the corner and attacks the monster, even if at the beginning she didn't see its????

2: Necromancy

What happen if necromancer dies? Is the controlled monster rest controlled? I can't find this clarify. I search on all rulebooks but nothing.

I have rulebook only in my lenguage...reading this forum i don't understand very well if which u call "master monster" are the monsters with RED miniatures. If it's so... a hero with necromancy...can't he control them??? i think my rulebook's translation isn't good about this point.

Thx very much for your help!

1) from the rulebook:

A hero that has placed a guard order may make an interrupt attack .

At any point during the overlord player’s turn (not during a hero’s turn), a hero may use his guard order to immediately “interrupt” the overlord player’s turn and make one attack (following all the normal rules for line of sight and attacking). The overlord player’s turn is immediately halted (even if the overlord player was about to attack with a monster), allowing the hero to resolve his interrupt attack. After the interrupt attack is completed and any casualties are removed, the overlord player may continue his turn.
The overlord player must allow for an interrupt attack at any time, and must reverse any movement/attack if it was made too fast for the hero player to have a chance to declare an interrupt attack. If a hero player declines to make an interrupt attack, however, he may not change his mind later.

In short: It doesn't matter if the target monster is activated or not. You can even even declare the attack before he starts moving/activating any of his monsters. Therefor, if you can see the monster (have LoS already) and he is in good range, the best thing to do is to attack it right away, just so you don't forget.
As for not having LoS yet, then just let the OL activate the monster, and walk with it. As soon as you have LoS declare your Guard and you will be able to attack before the monster can attack...

2) as for necromancy, i don't think it's in the Core-box. It doesn't ring a bell, so i can't help you there.....

1. Doesn't matter. You can even do it immediately on all the heroes ending their turn (which means for Talia, it's always better for her to guard instead of attack, as at worst, you interrupt at the start of the Overlord's turn, move and attack, giving yourself some free movement.

2. Yes, the red figures at the master monsters. Necromancy cannot control monsters that are masters or take up more than one space. As far as I can tell, the controlling hero's death has no effect.

Thx Rajamic,

But now i have another question about this: OL actives a monster, or not... isn't important..., can Thalia declares her guard attack, get her moviment to go back and don't attack? Or does she have to attack anyway? Can Thalia uses only moviment when she make an "opportunity attack"?

Tahlia can choose to discard her guard order and move without making an attack.