So about these spam bots?

By Marinealver, in Support

As in the past few months there has been allot of spambot attacks on the forums. Many of them posting the same thing either offering illegal identification documents or in a completely different language but no doubt probably black or grey market advertisement.

Is there any chance of more aggressive moderation against these attacks on the forums. The X-wing subforums have been competently washed out with spam topics as of now.

And it is not just the X-wing forums. there are some in Age of Conan Android and alot of other boards too. Looks like the website team has their work cut out for them.

Netrunner is doing alright though :) for now :mellow:

Edited by Marinealver

I've found if you report them the Mods do delete them. But yes there are a ton of this crap.


91 pages of spam in the Arkham Horror forum today. That's over 2400 spam threads in one day. Enough's enough already!

Ok, it is amusing that the support forum has now been hit.

Please, disable the creation of new accounts while you work on a way to keep those spammers out.

Come on, surely something can be done about this. I'm set to get email notifications. I logged in yesterday morning to over 4000 emails and another 1000 today.

Even I have to admit, this is getting pretty annoying seeing this daily. I feel sorry for the Forum Mods, as they have to wash out the posts once a day now, but there really needs to be a filter or something that can keep these accounts out. The idea of blocking new accounts from Exarkfr for the time being could work, as a Spam Filter gets put into place on the User Creation Page?

Yep, they're spamming the LotR LCG forums too… but seems it's not just FFG. I noticed that the same problem has been cropping up on the Paizo boards, too. Really annoying.

EDIT: Seems like most of them have been deleted by the mods at this point. I had, however, received an automated e-mail message from FFG earlier this morning explaining that [insert spam bot message] had been posted to the Runebound forums in the community archive, but I see that this has been taken care of, too. Thanks, moderators!

Edited by TwiceBornh

An official acknowledgement from the FFG webmaster in this forum that they are aware of how serious the problem is getting and that they are working on ways to fix it would be nice.

Ah, the spambots are back with a vengeance...

and back again. the was a help topic on the X-wing forums but the spam post are so rapid it gets booted off the first page in a single minuet. :angry: