I was just wondering what everyones favorite attack line-up within Death is currently. There seem to be alot of good options, so I thought I would get some second opinions. Personally I like the Itchi, Launcher, KB combo. But what else have you guys found that works well or at least seems cool?
Death Attacks
shadow and darkness blade
Ichi no Tachi
Tsurane Kiri
Midnight Launcher
Knight Breaker
But Shadow Blade is my favorite attack of the format, and I really liked my old Zi Mei's line-up
4x Ichi no Tachi
4x Monster Lariat
3x Shadow Blade
3x Knight Breaker
Also, Looking for Peace = Death aggro to the umpth degree. Wtf is wrong with people for not using this card?
standard death lineup is what knight breaker, midnight luancher, and ichi. tsurane kuri is a judgment call. with blanka i would just add instead of murder brick menuete dance.
trane said:
standard death lineup is what knight breaker, midnight luancher, and ichi. tsurane kuri is a judgment call. with blanka i would just add instead of murder brick menuete dance.
True story blanka will be insane at gencon In my opinion.
A few low tech options, for those who believe the main reason to play attacks is to deal damage. (Nothing against the attacks mentioned so far, I'm just finding it hard to believe that people haven't mentioned these yet)
Ragnar's 2 throws, as well as Mega Spike help in chipping away at your opponent (easy momentum too, though I understand if gaining momentum through actually attacking is a foreign concept to some players), also Tira's attacks can do a lot of damage quickly if not handled correctly, and Nightmare also has Leg Slash as well as ML.
Cascade said:
A few low tech options, for those who believe the main reason to play attacks is to deal damage. (Nothing against the attacks mentioned so far, I'm just finding it hard to believe that people haven't mentioned these yet)
Ragnar's 2 throws, as well as Mega Spike help in chipping away at your opponent (easy momentum too, though I understand if gaining momentum through actually attacking is a foreign concept to some players), also Tira's attacks can do a lot of damage quickly if not handled correctly, and Nightmare also has Leg Slash as well as ML.
yeah shredding vibrato and menuett dance are 2 big options in death outside the lame combo that everyone and there mother is running