Confirmation that the Dawn is coming...

By Darkwing Duck2, in Hollow Bastion

Fantasy Flight Games informed us today that Kingdom Hearts: Break of Dawn is shipping from the factory now. We expect to ship all pre-orders during the week of July 20 - 24. We are still accepting preorders if you would like to place an order.

and it has been updated on there upcoming section as shipping now so now all we have to do is wait for the stores to get it do there paper work and bam we got our 4th set. so if there are any delays now then you can say they dropped the ball on this set k? lol.

Yay! I can get my cards then! Woohoo!

*crosses fingers for another lucky box* C'mon, SRUs... Cho wants another box with 4 of you in it.. be good SRUs... come to Cho...

*searches for his lucky everythin for box bonus benifits*

if only this TCG had hot packs.

Hot Packs- a pack of cards where each one is a foil. ( for those who dont know)