FFG gains permission to do Warhammer Quest?

By bitva, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

One of my FLGS said that FFG recently got permission to do Warhammer Quest from GW. I thought that was prohibited in the agreement, but has anyone else heard about this? Where could this info have come from? Did he maybe get confused with Chaos in the Old World? If this were true, what would it mean for Descent?

FLGS? What's that? The two games do cross a lot of similar territory. I'm not sure what kind of business decision that would be. And if you don't know, check the home brew forum, I have a mod in beta that attempts to fuse the best parts of both games. It's still in active development but is already quite fun.

FLGS = Friendly Local Game Store...

There are rumors that Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing game is going to be morphed into a Warhammer Quest / Warhammer Fantasy Role Play hybrid game similar to D&D4.

These are of course rumors since FFG purchased the license for WFRP a year or so ago and has not reprinted any of the material. They released a few items that were still in the pipeline from the previous publisher, but that's it. Last week they started releasing items via PDF. But no real reprints. So rumors have started circulating that FFG is working WHFP v3.

That would be awful. DD4 isn't really a role playing game, it's just a board game with even more rules. I'd hate to see that happen to WFRP too.

bitva said:

That would be awful. DD4 isn't really a role playing game, it's just a board game with even more rules. I'd hate to see that happen to WFRP too.

The old timers tell me that DnD4 is a throwback to original DnD and DnD2. I'm curious: what are your reasons for saying that DnD4 is no longer a true rpg but is instead a complex board game?

Thundercles said:

The old timers tell me that DnD4 is a throwback to original DnD and DnD2.

In what respect?

As someone who doesn't play D&D but hears some of the complaints of people who do, I've heard D&D 4th ed. being criticized for arbitrary economic rules, a lack of abilities that can alter the world outside of combat, and similar changes that some feel remove verisimilitude and open-endedness and make the game feel more like, say, Diablo. I've also heard that the set of things you can do with abilities in 4th ed is very restricted and looks like it was designed to be easy to implement as a computer game. That may be what Bitva is referring to.

I can personally neither confirm nor deny the accuracy of any such complaints.

FFG is not making Warhammer Quest I sure about that - becuse that would be a clone of Descent.

There are some rumores that the new edition of WFRP will have a set o figures but I think that's not true.