Synthflesh for those who want more action

By hellebore2, in Dark Heresy House Rules

So a small tweak for those combat thirsty parties to put you in the fight again sooner.

Synth Flesh (prefer this to synthskin due to the latter's similarity to the syn skin of assassins).

The item listed in the Inquisitor's Handbook is of average quality. The following are different qualities.

Poor Quality

This uses cheap chemicals that don't always react leaving the patient bleeding out. Make a routine (+10) toughness test in order to stop blood loss.

Good Quality

Using the finest products and vat grown pseudoproteins good quality synthflesh uses its naturally abosrbant form to create blood flow through the damaged area speeding up recovery. Stanching bloodloss only takes a 1/2 action. Anyone with good quality synthflesh also counts as one level higher for healing purposes. ie critically wounded individuals count as Heavily wounded, heavily counts as lightly wounded and lightly wounded individuals heal back 1 wound an hour.

Best Quality

Rare and expensive, best quality synthflesh is better than the real thing. Using rapid growing blank clone cells and thermal induction best quality synthflesh can repair horrendous tissue damage breathtakingly quickly. Generally only the wealthy or truly favoured has access to this product as the manufacturing method is a closely guarded mystery. Stanching bloodloss only takes a 1/2 action. Anyone with best quality synthflesh also counts as one level higher for healing purposes and heal 2 wounds back per time increment instead of 1. ie critically wounded individuals count as Heavily wounded, heavily counts as lightly wounded and lightly wounded individuals heal back 2 wounds an hour.

Now all you need is an obliging cultist to shoot you in the head to try out this new stuff.


Cool... gran_risa.gif

I'm wondering where Gaffer tape (duct tape) lies on the quality spectrum...? gui%C3%B1o.gif


Isn't poor quality synthiflesh just...superglue? happy.gif

more like regular quality - it worked well enough in the Vietnam War.