Rules FAQs

By Ghost Dancer, in Star Wars: Armada

He can place then anywhere touching the base and Squadrons outside the play area are destroyed. And frankly since I don't see another way for a Squadron to end of the board with how they move, I am inclined to accept the rules at face value on that.

He can place then anywhere touching the base and Squadrons outside the play area are destroyed. And frankly since I don't see another way for a Squadron to end of the board with how they move, I am inclined to accept the rules at face value on that.

Seeing as for this to happen, someone would have to run through their own squadrons while skimming the board edge really closely, I reckon we can wait for this to actually happen to someone before getting it faq-ed. Which might take a while.

He can place then anywhere touching the base and Squadrons outside the play area are destroyed. And frankly since I don't see another way for a Squadron to end of the board with how they move, I am inclined to accept the rules at face value on that.

Seeing as for this to happen, someone would have to run through their own squadrons while skimming the board edge really closely, I reckon we can wait for this to actually happen to someone before getting it faq-ed. Which might take a while.

already saw it in action

he was deemed an unsporty player and play was threatened to come to a halt

The important factor is there are many players in tournament play that would do that exact thing and have no qualms what so ever

I mean it seem to me the only person in that scenario that is behaving in an unsporting manner is the player controlling the overlapping ship Does he plan to halt play and disparage his opponent everytime one of his misplays is capitalized upon?

Edited by ScottieATF

EDIT: Disregard I cant read.

Edited by felforlife

How do critical hits work?

You should mention that critical hit faces only count when one ship shoots another ship. If the shooter or the target (or both) is a squadron, critical faces do nothing. They are effectively blank.

Good point, thanks. FAQ updated.

Just to be very clear in my own head, ships firing anti-squadron attacks only roll one dice per squadron you are attacking (at least the ships in the core set), right?

As the symbol has one blue dice.

You roll the number of dice equal to the ship's anti-squadron armament. For most core ships this is 1 blue, the the Neb B Escort has 2 blue.

One good question I've seen lately is in regards to a ship moving into squadrons - and when your opponents can replace them after the ship's movement is final. If your opponents places your squadrons after you bump them, can he place them off the map(Assuming you are near the map's edge), and thus, destroy them?

I believe the answer to this is yes, they would indeed be destroyed... but I don't knwo if it's been settled yet.

I know this has been discussed a lot lately, but without a definitive answer I won't be adding to these FAQs. Also, please keep discussions over these debates in their respective threads, thanks ;)

Since we now have a proper rules sub-forum, shall I create a new topic there with these FAQs, and abandon this thread? It seems like this really belongs there.