Rules FAQs

By Ghost Dancer, in Star Wars: Armada



Once a consensus is reached, I can add it to the list - just post a summary or link to specific posts that I can write up. I don't want to add stuff that is currently being debated though.

The issue is something like this.

When you are in the Reveal Command Dial step, you can choose to spend both a command dial and a token to combine their effects.

Now, the question is, Wulf's effect triggers from using the token, he uses the WHEN keyword which states that it occurs at that moment of the specified event occurs.

So, at that point, can you spend this second token to further upgrade the Command Dial effect because it occurs in the Reveal Command Dial step?

There are two lines of thought on this.

1) No. You can only combine a Command Dial with a Single Token

2) Yes. You can do this if you have a second Token of the same type during the Reveal Command Dial step.

I argue on the Yes side of things, because the Rules Reference carefully omits using keywords like "When" "While" or "After" all of which specify that the effect "cannot occur again during that instance of the event" for spending both a Command Dial and a Command Token.

Wulf himself, instead of using the "After" keyword uses the "When" keyword which has an immiediate timing.

And finally, I find it too perfect that a VSD with Expanded Hangar Bays and Wulf using this ruling can activate the EXACT number of TIE fighters that they supply in the core box to be accidental.

Edited by Mward1984

I see the confusion with that particular example, but since this an FAQ I want to give definitive answers (i.e. clarifying what is in the official rules), not maybes or opinions. Until there is an official ruling on this I'm reluctant to add it here, sorry.

How do you determine what hull zone a squadron attack hits?

You can attack any hullzone that is within range of the squadron, and that you can trace a line of sight to it without it going through one of the yellow lines of another hull zone.

Just to clarify, this thread is intended to list commonly asked rules questions already posted in the forums, its not an open invitation answer random questions :P

If you have a question that's not listed in the main post, please start a new thread where I will certainly attempt to help you if someone else has not already done so.

If you spot a question that is frequently asked in the forums, then by all means post/link it here and I'll add it to the list.


Squadrons can only shoot at range 1 on the movement side of the range ruler.

Ship anti squadron armament uses the short medium long side of the range ruler. This mean if a ship has a red die for anti squadron armament, they can shoot out to long range.

I might be missing something but is there a rule about moving of the edge of the battlefield? Like in X-Wing you lose your ship from the fleeing the battlefield rule. Is there a rule in Armada like this? How do you handle this? Thanks.

Just to clarify, this thread is intended to list commonly asked rules questions already posted in the forums, its not an open invitation answer random questions :P

If you have a question that's not listed in the main post, please start a new thread where I will certainly attempt to help you if someone else has not already done so.

If you spot a question that is frequently asked in the forums, then by all means post/link it here and I'll add it to the list.


Add my question. It's asked frequently.

Add my question. It's asked frequently.

Oh were you stating that question as one to be added? I thought you were actually asking the question lol

Updated original post. This topic really needs to be moved to the new Rules sub-forum. Do mods move posts here, or shall I recreate the thread?

What base size is the ISD? (Large) :P

Not sure if you are being serious or not Mav? :P

Not sure if you are being serious or not Mav? :P

Considering we have seen two threads in almost as many days, actually yeah :P

So are critical hits the last hit taken?

Say i do 3 hits and a crit to a side that had 3 shields. It is a total of 4 damage so 3 shields gone and a faceup dmg card after that.

So are critical hits the last hit taken?

Say i do 3 hits and a crit to a side that had 3 shields. It is a total of 4 damage so 3 shields gone and a faceup dmg card after that.

Not exactly, you don't get critical hits as such (unlearn what you have learnt from X-Wing) - you deal X damage (where X = hit icons + crit icons) which might also have a critical effect. For the most part treat a crit icon just like a normal hit icon. Then at the start of the Resolve Damage step, you may resolve 1 critical effect if your dice pool has at least 1 crit - for the standard crit effect the first damage card is dealt face up.

I'll clarify my FAQ answer at some point to make this clearer.

Edited by Ghost Dancer
How do critical hits work?

You should mention that critical hit faces only count when one ship shoots another ship. If the shooter or the target (or both) is a squadron, critical faces do nothing. They are effectively blank.

What base size is the ISD?

It's large (and its 129mm long, not 192mm as was incorrectly stated in the first print/PDF of the Rules Reference).

FFG has confirmed that? When?

What base size is the ISD?

It's large (and its 129mm long, not 192mm as was incorrectly stated in the first print/PDF of the Rules Reference).

FFG has confirmed that? When?

If you redownload the PDF, you'll see its been corrected to 129 mm, happened the day after the rules were released

Just to be very clear in my own head, ships firing anti-squadron attacks only roll one dice per squadron you are attacking (at least the ships in the core set), right?

As the symbol has one blue dice.

One good question I've seen lately is in regards to a ship moving into squadrons - and when your opponents can replace them after the ship's movement is final. If your opponents places your squadrons after you bump them, can he place them off the map(Assuming you are near the map's edge), and thus, destroy them?

I believe the answer to this is yes, they would indeed be destroyed... but I don't knwo if it's been settled yet.