I have spent two weeks now play testing the tutorial and Aftermath by myself. I have watched countless YouTube videos and read and retread the rules. Monday night I start my first campaign with friends. While I feel I have a pretty good grasp of the game, any tips?i have the dice app and sound exf apps to make play a little faster and more enriched. I have not painted the minis yet. But plan on it soon.
New to the game any tips from experienced players?
Well, one thing is to make sure to read the FAQ.
1). Be sure to skip the tutorial mission with your friends, and jump straight into the first campaign mission.
2). ALWAYS thoroughly read the mission setup and objective sections. Missing one word can throw off the balance of an entire mission.
3). With round limited missions, be sure the Rebs understand the objective isn't to kill all imperials, but to achieve the stated objective ASAP.
4). Reread the rules reference guide closely, multiple times. Some of those "barely there" mentioned rules are actually game-changing if missed. Some that I initially missed:
A. Heroes can choose to recover one strain/damage for one surge rolled during attacks.
B. Heroes can sell their starting weapons for 50 credits when upgrading to a better weapon.
C. Understand the difference between "threat" and "threat level".
D. the Wookie's Charge special action ignores extra movement point costs. So when healthy, with 4 movememt points available, he could charge through enemy figures and/or difficult terrain for 1 movement point each. Doesn't cost 2 to move through enemy figures during charge. Essentially, nothing slows down an enraged wookie.
on a personal opinion matter, always have 4 rebel heroes in a campaign. Adds more interest and variety of abilities in missions, and overall just seems better balanced.
Have all players, or at least one player on both sides, read the Rulebook with real intent.
Relying on an Imperial Player to remind the Rebel Players of all the ways in which they should be utilizing the game rules to beat the Imperial Player is not a tenable position.
D. the Wookie's Charge special action ignores extra movement point costs. So when healthy, with 4 movememt points available, he could charge through enemy figures and/or difficult terrain for 1 movement point each. Doesn't cost 2 to move through enemy figures during charge. Essentially, nothing slows down an enraged wookie.
I thought this as well, but the last time we played someone looked it up and found otherwise. I think the distinction was that "counting spaces" (as in Gideon's 3-space range to Command) ignores movement penalty costs, but "moving X spaces" (which is what Charge says) does not ignore those costs.
It does. Move X Spaces doesn't have an relation to Movement Points. His Charge ability is not giving him Movement Points thus there is no extra cost to be paid for Hindering or Enemy Occupied Spaces.
Edited by ScottieATFWhen giving out rules clarifications, give references from the rules....
"FAQ", v101, Page 2:
Q: Does “Move a number of spaces equal to your speed” follow the same rules as “Move X spaces?”
A: Yes.
"Move X Spaces", RRG, Page 19:
If an ability moves a figure a listed number of spaces, this movement ignores movement point costs. All other effects of terrain and figures apply (for example the figure cannot end its movement in another figure’s space). When moving in this way, a large figure’s base cannot rotate and must retain its orientation.
Thanks for the feedback, I have read everything many times including the FAQ. The tips are great and definitely reminded me what I need to do tonight to help ensure the game is fun.