Looking for some items

By dpb1298, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hello, I am trying to get my hands on some promo items.

I can trade/ pay-pal.

I want,

The Tower of Sorcery (Terrain, card, scenario) (From winter 2014)

Arcane Assault promo card (Summer 2014)

Spring 2014 Terrain, card, scenario

Orc units from LoD

Terrain and deployment cards form LoD

I have,

1x copy of Intimidate (first promo card)

could possible part with 2x copy of eager troops (also from the first kit)

and of course $$$

There is a user called Nushura on the WH DW board on boardgamegeek. He has all the promos and is selling them piecemeal.