Plastic for the game

By DeatheuxVomi, in XCOM: The Board Game

Hi, what is the plastic sizes required for alle the cards of the game, can we buy them from FFG?



You're talking about sleeves? They are all available from FFG. From the back of the box, you want 2 packs of green, 2 of yellow, 1 orange (sorry, I don't know what sizes/quantities that actually means).

The orange (called Tarot size) card sleeves are quite pricey and are for the largest cards in the game, the yellow sleeves are for the mini cards and yes, you will need 2 packs. The green ones are for the normal cards but I think there are actually only 51 of these so you could get away with only buying one pack of 50 if you're strapped for cash.

the box is carefully stored, the game in a box, figs in casing, board in a case!

thx guys!!