Managing tokens in play

By Wilhelm Screamer, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

So, with all the little fiddly bits FFG loves to put in their games, how do you organize them in actual play? I've been looking into various options and wanted input. Right now I just have 2 baggies, one with resources and one with damage tokens, but I don't like fitting my fat hands in to fish out tokens.

One option is getting a small plano tray, which has the most space of these options and is probably the cheapest, with room for dice to roll to see who goes first and the bulkier dials/initiative token. The box is also useful for storing other things if I don't want to use it for games anymore. The problem is that these can hog up precious table space, and some of the places I have to play at have really narrow tables, so footprint matters a whole lot.

Another is getting a deckbox with a removable token tray. These have a nice and neat footprint, good for cases when space is at a premium. The issue here is that they are often made for deck sizes much larger than what is normal for me, usually to the effect of 100+ cards, and I don't want my cards flopping around in all that space (and I am strict about one deck to one box, so I don't want to cram in 2, even though it would solve that problem). That and I am not sure how many tokens I can really fit in there properly. One box that caught my attention in particular was the ultimate guard flip n' tray, the design is nifty and the 80 card space is more friendly to my purposes. The good boxes are all a tad on the pricey side compared to the ubiquitous cheapo deck box box everyone knows.

I considered just using normal deckboxes for tokens, but I don't like shoving my hands in to get at the tokens.

Or I could just leave a big mess on the table and call it a day.

So, how do you handle the token situation?

I store all the planets and tokens in the same part of my deck box, I also set them apart before the game begins, like the planets.