(Un)official WAR MMO Thread

By vermillian2, in Warhammer Invasion Off Topic

I figured since a few of us play the thing, might as well kick this off.

I really like(d) that MMO. I miss its PvP (fairish, accesible, rewarding, different forms, from get go), and its End Game which really pushed everyone on a side of the battle that they were actually fighting TOWARD something significant. That their efforts were going toward something that would have an impact on the server / everyone else's fighting experience (no XP, but experience lol).

I liked its structure (do stuff in PvP zones like capturing MOB guarded keeps, which could also be Enemy Player guarded, and then protect it, upgrade keeps, and then lock that zone. Do that again and raid enemy FORTRESS which is bigger than a keep, guarded by things more kick butt than Keeps, and then beat the FORT. Do the above again in another racial pairing (see other thread) and you unlock their capitol city!)...

Man i miss that game... Playing City of X right now... its a tight game, it just doesn't have the seat of your pants urge, pushing you to kill other players. :P

Yeah, I'm an absolute fiend for the RvR in WAR -- it's some of the most exciting combat I've found in an MMO so far.

I guess I should post some details, huh? I have a handful of alts (because I'm indecisive), but the one I play the most now is Oxbow, a Chosen on Phoenix Throne.

Ah... all of my characters usually begin with a 'V'.

Vtank, vsword, vsquigg, vhotdot

Got vsword up to 40 on Ironfist, which, i guess, is a 'dead' server... dead as in destro gave up on it... sad face.

I cancled my account to try other things (and play more non computer games), but I missed it so I got a trial account and am playing Vsquig (on magus). haven't played a squig herder before. Fantastic time.

wow, they created a special forum for guys, aren't you special :)

Sweet! We obviously just rock that hard. :D

Oh yeah baby. I started WAR LCG's first official Off Topic Forum! :)

Like I said in the other forum, I just started replaying the MMO. I mainly played on Beta servers, so I have no high level characters to claim. I'd like to experience end-level RvR, but I always try out too many characters and can never pick one to stick with. Plus the fact that I really didn't have anyone I was playing with. I've got one friend, and we've made some characters, but our highest levels are 7 orders on Phoenix Throne. I think I'm on Magus as destro as well.

Honestly, the state of their servers is just sad. At peak times I only see 2-3 servers at medium. But I would be very glad to have new people to play with! I'm not against starting a new character; also what times do people play at? It's strictly 8:30-1ish EST for me when I get on (when I'm not spending the whole night bouncing from message board to message board... too many games ><).

I play at weird times myself.. some bits around 9 maybe, then maybe some around 3, and then again around 8-10 until ? EST.

Vsquig right now on Magnus on a trial account cause I cancled to try out some other MMOs and stuff (free realms, City of X, and getting more in to CoC LCG than I was casually before and also Gencon is coming up). BUT I think I might resub. I just miss the PvP in this game SOOO much. Give me some of your names on what servers and I'll look you up.

But yeah. Vsquig (rank 8ish) on Magnus, 7/14 10ish EST? Be there?

Well like I said, I play Destro on Phoenix Throne, but I'm always up for some friendly battles. It's fun knowing people on the other side. I have a few "rivalries" going right now, actually. :)

That was fail on adequate names list and servers list.

I also have VDoK, and will be making VMagblast. Both of these will be on Magnus server. I'll be on tonight. I'll be low level (trial account until I feel like paying for the game again... probably around late july)

vermillian said:

That was fail on adequate names list and servers list.

I also have VDoK, and will be making VMagblast. Both of these will be on Magnus server. I'll be on tonight. I'll be low level (trial account until I feel like paying for the game again... probably around late july)

LOL, well looks like we won't be on Magnus much longer, but yeah, I have lower levels on that server, so hopefully I'll see you on.

I am now Quizbat and Kyofu on Badlands. Going ahead of the server dump, plus it's free xp! It looks like you made vmagblast here already.

I'll assume those two characters are destro, eh?

Yeah my highest are kinda... low for destro. gonna focus on them. I hear destro is the underdogs on most servers. I'll be on again tomorow night. I just resubbed in light of this new merging. Good signs.

Yeah, Quizbat is a squig herder (they're just so awesome!) and Kyofu is a chosen. All of my characters are low. I like that I was able to RVR my way up two levels in scenarios for about 2 hours last night. I think that's the key to the game: just RVR so it doesn't seem like grinding.

As far as other games, I definitely feel you. I played City of Heroes way back in beta, but I just got tired of the game really, really quickly. I think it had something to do with being "introduced" to the contact whom introduced me to the current contact to do the exact same set of missions "introducing" villians I had already vanquished. Suspension of disbelief needs something to go on. Plus it was just the same stuff over and over, and then "that other" MMO came out and pretty much blew away the competition. I am really looking forward to Champions Online and DC Online, they both look to have good potential. Champions was actually developed by Cryptic Studios.

As far as non computer games, I was pulled back in to 40K (loving my Tau), I am heavily, heavily focused on L5R with the release of the new arc (which is awesome!), and I'm trying to figure out new strategies for the morphers in Monsterpocalypse. Definitely need to play more of that game.

On top of boardgames galore, lol, 90% of which are Fantasy Flight.

Hating Tau (in the dark grim future there is only ANIME STYLE LOOKING GUNDAM SUITS! LOLS!), impartial to L5R (tried to play it a bit during LotBS time, got burned lol... never really felt the flow of the tempo or game mechanics), and never got around to sitting down long enough to learn Monsterapocalypse even though it was being demo'd right next to us at gencon last year... I was doing Universal Fighting System (UFS) demo's, volunteering-judging. Still love that game. Wanting to find time for a second lover (though CoC (Call of Cthulhu LCG) is getting more and more of my attention. Oh UFS how I have been bad to you!).

And playing warhammer and free realms.. don't ask. It has fun mini games and a TCG built in to it! lol.

Gonna log on warhammer now...

I wasn't the biggest fan of tau at the beginning, but I got burned on 40k after they switched to 4th, so while I still play a lot of the games and know some of the fluff, I don't take it all that seriously. Plus I am a die-hard Blood Angels fan, but everyone and their cousin already does space marines, most of the other factions I'm not interested in or have been taken. Then I realized the Tau fire warrior hits on a 4 and wounds space marines on a 2. Seriously, their weapons are Strength 5 AP 5, range 30 Rapid Fire. Besides wiping out IG and Orcs a squad can dismantle a walker pretty easily with strength 5. And they have a 4+ armor save, which is safely below most AP even if it's not the Space Marines' ridiculous 3+. Then I read and liked their fluff and was sold.

...and the Robotech RPG book in the store with the picture of Rick Hunter on the front kinda gave me an idea for a paint scheme, lol. Why fight it?

As far as L5R, if it weren't for the interactive story, I might not be as in love with it. It really helps that the game that you play in Celestial is not the game you played even last arc; they stripped the whole first turn out! And got rid of all the **** searching and shuffling. It's got a very different feel and pace which is quite nice. That plus the new card format is awesome looking.

Monsterpocalypse is just fun, and way, way more strategic then you'd think initially. The whole point to the game is to kill the opponent's monster, the only thing is that almost everything in the game only does 1 point of damage. This might sound like it'd just be a matter of who hit first, but the strategy to the game is that you can throw and bodyslam and a whole bunch of other awesome maneuvers, and all of these things do 1 point of damage typically, but these power attacks also let you move your opponent's monster, say throwing them in to a building which then explodes. That's one point of damage for the maneuver, one point of damage for the building, and one point of damage for the fire.

This mechanic on top of a really well-thought out dice mechanic where what you roll is also how you pay for things makes the game really fun. Plus it's giant monsters throwing each other around into buildings, it just doesn't get more awesome. Except for the fact that they have Voltron. And probably the best prepainted figures I've ever seen (not that it's particularly hard, but their prepaints are better than anything I can do period, lol).

I was sucked into UFS by some friends, I started off as Ken, then I faded from the game and Darkstalkers pulled me back in. Unfortunately a spill took out a good portion of my cards and my friends had stopped playing so I took the opportunity to bow out as well. I thought I might be sucked back in with Tekken, but they didn't bring in Jin, so I'm safe... for now. Hey with Vs dead maybe they can get the Marvel vs Capcom License! I'd totally play a Spidey UFS deck.

I got the base set for AGoT and it's a ton of fun, been thinking about getting the base set of CoC. I bought heavily into that game when it first came out, still have the cards around here somewhere. I will admit to having burned a lot of people out on the CCG thing at my local store as I hopped game to game, but I'm still confused that I can't get anyone to go for either of these games right now. Guess I need to try again. The LCG format just makes it so easy to keep up. I'm hoping I can get interest started in Warhammer.

Oh and a friend and I are going to see what they did to Warlord with the American release, though my guess is it will still be broken in more ways than can be counted. Too many dang games!