There are going to be so many models and so many command card by the end of the year for skirmish, is it going to get to the point where it's too much?
Are Skirmish options going to get overwhelming?
Not enough IMO lol
No, it's not. Once regionals start to roll around, we'll get a couple of "best lists", and anything after that will only be variants on those lists. My predictions on the dominant meta are Scum strain lists with IG-88 and Trandos, Vader's Fist (Vader, 3x Stormtroopers, 2x Officers), Royal Guards (3x RG, RGC), and a Rebel Strike Force list (something like this: (PLUG PLUG PLUG)). Once we have a meta, "viable" skirmish options will decrease dramatically.
Play whatever you want now, because this meta is about to solidify.
I can understand how it can feel overwhelming at first. But as you play more and more matches and as you settle into the game, I think you'll find that you're continually excited for the next sets to come out. At least, that's the way it is for me whenever I start up a new game and go with it from the beginning.
And hey, if you don't want to play in a competitive environment, then that's fine too, because more figures and command cards will just offer a greater variety of options to your gameplay.
Also if we take X-wing as an example, You will find that latter sets change the meta to allow less used or not used models to be viable. You might have a favorite character who just sucks in the current meta only to find that 3 expansions later, that character is an auto include.
Looking at you, Han Solo. He has some awesome abilities, but he's not all that good right now.
Han is quite good with the right mix of support and cards. He's difficult to just pick up and play well, but once you learn how to finesse him, where to stand him, how to use his movement and shooting with other characters, he is very good actually.
I hav done well with Han/Chewie builds...