It looks like nothing is being done to promote tournaments in my area. Is there a way I can get a tournament kit and do this on my own at a local store?
Becoming Tournament Director
You cant get spring kits anymore but talk with your local store and get them to order the next season league kit. I would demo the campaign or Skirmish at your local store.
dough, pretty sure that FFG has a very strict Brick and Mortar policy. Your local FLGS would have to be on board with getting the kit for you and kits have to be bought.
That being said, hopefully your FLGS catches on that warm bodies drive sales. Shouldn't be too hard if you bring in people to cover the cost of the kit and they start seeing sales because of the increased exposure.
These still sell
Find a venue and advertise away pal
Sadly there are a lot of places who buy kits and sell them on ebay for what I'm guessing is a much higher cost. So that is an option.
It is true but unless you are a SHOP and can prove this then you are not buying from a distributor