House Rules for Brig

By Bluerocks11, in Battlestar Galactica

Recently my friends and I played a game and as we played we wondered if there were any other "Actions" you could take while one is in the bring excpet for trying to get out. We looked it up but couldn't find any difinitive evidence were the person in the brig can ONLY try to get out. Which led to a discussion on possible house rules. Like could one give another player an Excutive Order card. I was just wondering if anyone had their own house rules for the brig, or if the only action you may take is to try and get out.

From the official BSG FAQ:

Q: What actions can a player take while in the “Brig?”
A: A player may take any actions he wishes while in the “Brig.” Only his movement and participating in skill checks are restricted.

I have been stuck in the brig as a human with a bunch of XOs in my hand... and I said "leave me in!" I get all my cards (though only 1 in a vote), XO someone else... no crisis... not the most FUN place but it worked and when things calmed down boom I was out.

Awesome! Thanks for the information, this clears things up for us!! Where can I find the official BSG FAQ?

Edited by Bluerocks11