The Wyrm Turns Quest Question

By Omnislash024, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Question for Encounter 1.

There is a door that only opens and closes when a figure is standing on switches. If a Figure steps off the switch and the door closes, BUT a large monster is taking up the spaces where the door is supposed to be, what happens?

We never arrived at an official answer, but it was brought up in the past . The general consensus was "you can't close the door." I suppose you could also play that the door remains open until the moment that monster stops blocking the way.

Edited by Zaltyre

Asked to FFG and oficially answered. If the door is closed while a big monster is blocking, OL must inmediately replace it in the closest empty square, and door closes.

PS. Asked long ago, back in 2013, and by someone else, so I've got not the answer myself, sorry.

Edited by AndrewMM