Probe droid modding: plastic stand recommendation

By sozin, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hi, I'm a n00b at mini modding. I want to mod my probe droids so they are standing on a clear plastic stand. I started with the X-Wing flight pegs, but sadly their height is incorrect - you need about 1 and 1/2 flight pegs for the right height.

can anyone recommend a plastic part that I could use?

thanks in advance!

There are places that you can just buy clear acrylic rods. You can cut them to the perfect length. You will also want to find the diameter of the rod and drill out a section of the base the same diameter so that you can snugly fit the rod in. The reason for this is so you don't have a slightly tipsy looking droid.

Google 'flights stands' there are a ton of different ones. Litko makes some that might work for you.

I started with the X-Wing flight pegs, but sadly their height is incorrect - you need about 1 and 1/2 flight pegs for the right height.

can anyone recommend a plastic part that I could use?

Rats! That's the plan I came up with the other day when I was thinking about doing the same thing. Back to the drawing board.

I just made my own. Drill a hole in a clear acrylic base, insert rod, do the same on the mini side. I superglued them in.


I just did the same thing, but I used the original bases and just attached the acrylic rod to them. The claws are only an eighth of an inch above the bases, but it does make a difference.