There is a second jedi in our group and our gm has asked if I have any ideas as to how to get his juices flowing for his trials. He said that he because he is a two lightsaber wielding jedi that the trial would be too easy... I said not do not make it about fighting. Anyone have any simple ideas? (being as non descriptive as possible as the forums are open to everyone?)
jedi trial
Check out the adventure "Echoes of the Past". It should be in the pinned resources topic on the EotE forum. Part of it is set in a Jedi temple and puts your group through a Padawan trial where you must prove your understanding of the Jedi code. It was quite fun for my group when I ran it.
It can work nicely. Though it takes some major editing if you don't want your ancient jedi to be all "Space Sorcerers" (Really, teleporting the party?) Also, rooms 3 & 4 can get a bit redundant. Otherwise yeah, it's a lot of fun. At least as part of the trial. Also, if your group has played the Old Republic MMO, be prepared for a lot of snickering/laughing.
Edited by QuicksilverGet "JEDI Path" book. It has all the LIGHTSABER forms and all the trials.
The JEDI trials consist of multiple parts. It's not just one trial. There are parts that need to be completed. So it wouldn't just be one mission and call it a day.
Skill, courage, flesh, spirit and insight.
So one trial not being combat could be any of these.
Edited by theclash24Go watch "Path of the Jedi" from Star Wars Rebels for a pretty solid idea of what a "trial" would comprise, especially if there is no established Jedi Order during the time frame in which the campaign is run.
And even under the Jedi Order proper, the Trails for Knighthood weren't always set in stone, although the most important aspect was that the Padawan had to undertake a mission on their own. Success or failure wasn't as relevant or even as important as how the prospective Knight handled themselves.
They could also be deemed to have been completed by a Padawan's prior actions without a formal Trail ever taking place, as was the case with Obi-Wan's battle and defeat of Darth Maul being deemed sufficient proof by the Jedi Council that Kenobi was indeed ready to become a Jedi Knight; ready to train someone like Anakin is a whole different story...
Wookieepedia has more to say on the matter (as usual):
^ ew he talked about ep1. Don't go by terrible hand waving and forcing plots to connect in three lousy movies. Look up the trials and base plots around them. But it will be hard due to the fact you have one player off on their own on the trials.
You may want to have one of the players maybe having to teach him. He is the Padawan to the player. Or he has to judge his trials. Or you can do short intervals of back and forth between scenes.
Edited by theclash24