So my set hasnt arrived yet but i am trying to get used to the rules via the downloads, thus newbie question.
On questing, it says you need to meet the questing points total but also the text may have extra rules. It then shows a quest card 3b think its something like stay on the path. The text looks to say you need to find and kill spawn of ungoliant to win.
Do you:
1: need to complete the number of quest points AND kill ungoliant spawn? (Cant see quest point number as silly arrow in the way in the rulebook)
2: complete number of quest points OR kill ungoliant (granted it implies you have to kll ungoliant spawn)
3: what happens if the ungoliant spawn card has been dealt as a shadow card and then dissapeared into the discarddeck? Its gone? Do you then have to go through the rest of the deck before being able to reshuffle the discards (complete with ungoliant spawn) back into the encounter deck?
I know these questions might seem silly, sorry, newbie.
Just not too sure from the text of online rulebook and the ffg faq dudnt have anything.
Thanks for advice.
Edit: looking on the card database, the quest/scenario has two 3a/3b cards, dont leave the path but also beorns path. If the number is supposed to dictate the order they appear in, then how come they are both 3, which comes first? Why isnt one 3 and the other 4?
Edited by alexbobspoons