Deathwatch RPG pre-2nd Ed. Thoughts

By Karack Blackstone, in Deathwatch House Rules

As per recent news, that almost certainly won't be least not one by FFG who have announced their partnership with GW is coming to a close. Shame...

yeah, i got my first dw oroduct march 28 this year,'s dead. pdfs still available at i liked some people here.

I'm afraid forums will be closed soon. I'm already making offline copies of my favorite topics, juts in case.
Yeah, and don't count on 2nd Edition from FFG. Even if they would still work with GW, they are so focused on Star Wars right now, they probably do not have any time to work on less popular 40k lines.
Perhaps GW will create their own sub-dividsion of RPG's, but I wouldn't count on that. Looks like we're stuck with what we have.

are there any community sites? maybe we should migrate somewhere to work on a 2nd edition?

GW can't do RPGs, and I woujldn't buy a GW rpg if they made one. Gw used to be a game company that created some good worlds, but they were consumed by ca corporation and now it's not about making good games, it's about reaMING THE CUSTOMER'S ASSES OUT AS DEEP AS THEY CAN.


Their business policies are so repugnant and their abuse of the customers is so gross I do not buy GW products.

GW can't do RPGs, and I woujldn't buy a GW rpg if they made one. Gw used to be a game company that created some good worlds, but they were consumed by ca corporation and now it's not about making good games, it's about reaMING THE CUSTOMER'S ASSES OUT AS DEEP AS THEY CAN.


Their business policies are so repugnant and their abuse of the customers is so gross I do not buy GW products.

you realzie every time you bought a FFG 40K RPG GW got a cut right?

GW can't do RPGs, and I woujldn't buy a GW rpg if they made one. Gw used to be a game company that created some good worlds, but they were consumed by ca corporation and now it's not about making good games, it's about reaMING THE CUSTOMER'S ASSES OUT AS DEEP AS THEY CAN.


Their business policies are so repugnant and their abuse of the customers is so gross I do not buy GW products.

you realzie every time you bought a FFG 40K RPG GW got a cut right?

At least it's a cut and not a full amount.

GW can't do RPGs, and I woujldn't buy a GW rpg if they made one.

Hey, Inquisitor was pretty cool -- and in some aspects better than Dark Heresy (which has adopted quite a few things from there when you compare stuff like Talent names etc).

That being said, I'd have to agree that the Games Workshop of today is not the same studio as it was ten years ago, both in terms of business practices as well as worldbuilding. I admit I'd be anxious as to how an Inquisitor 2.0 from the new GW would look like.

GW can't do RPGs, and I woujldn't buy a GW rpg if they made one. Gw used to be a game company that created some good worlds, but they were consumed by ca corporation and now it's not about making good games, it's about reaMING THE CUSTOMER'S ASSES OUT AS DEEP AS THEY CAN.


Their business policies are so repugnant and their abuse of the customers is so gross I do not buy GW products.

you realzie every time you bought a FFG 40K RPG GW got a cut right?

At least it's a cut and not a full amount.

eaither way to run around saying how aweful GW is and then buying their lisenced products are silly. me? I'll buy what I like, and not buy what I dislike. all I can do.

now that said, the ORIGINAL dark heresy 1st edition was actually released by GW internally. our best hope is that GW ressurects Black Industries.

Yes. i think GW is an awful company. I hate their business practices, wh9ich are pretty separate from their game wr4iting department in most ways. GW used to be a game company, nhow it's an evil corporation. The "suits" don't care about gamers, in fact a lot of the suits seem contemptuous of gamers. They treat the game public like sheep to ge fleeced, get ther writers to make rules that are about selling new models not being a good game, etc. I've seen single plastic figures selling for 28$ each, for an assassin.

Also, they achieved their status as a near monopoly in england by filing lawsuits against other comp0anies that put them out of business. They'd look for one thing a rival company made that looked vaguely like anything they'd done and slap an injunction on the company, which usually killed it given the thin profit margins most game comp0anies make. They didn't make better products, they just murdered the competition thru litigation.

Once upon a time GW was about making games, when rick priestly wrote 40k. Now it's about setting up ane ndless series of new editions, ever increasing prices, nerfing formerly good armies and buffing formerly weak ones, etc to keep people shoveling money into it. I'm glad I got out.

FFG was a much fairer company. They treated the public with more respect, like in outer reach where the added the vehicle rules needed to use the necron vehicles they put in it. They didn;t give you the vehicles and tell you to go buy rites of war, which is **** hard to find in paper.

Edited by Professor Tanhauser