Data Pack/Card Availability vs. Deckbuilding vs. Player base growth

By Sound Reason, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Hey everyone.

I'm new to Android: Netrunner, and I come from an extensive background in competitive CCG's (been playing MTG since '94) as well as competitive gaming in general (travel and compete in games locally, nationally, internationally).

Netrunner looks awesome, and so I made the decision to get into the game. I like the asymmetric nature of the game, unique design and concept material, and after 2 decades of playing the CCG lottery, LCGs are looking more and more attractive and certainly cost efficient.

As my intro may have indicated, I want to jump into this game on a serious and competitive level, which means I'm also doing my research on the layout of the competitive meta-game. To date, I've acquired a core set (I knew I'd need to eventually get more, which is fine) and the three deluxe expansions. I figured that would give me a good selection of cards to start building with, and that I could start adding the data packs as needed to fill niche roles.

The problem I'm now facing is this: literally every potential vendor within a 100km radius of where I live is sold out of the Opening Moves data pack. I've looked online, and most vendors are either a) sold out, or b) selling for 2x MSRP ($30 USD) or more ($80 USD, seriously Amazon?).

So, obviously Jackson Howard is considered to be (arguably) the most powerful and essential card in Corporation decks. While I'm sure there are arguments to be made that successful corp decks can be built without him, it is simply evident that he is a three of in most of the best corp decks.

With availability of this data pack being so low, and given that it contains such an essential card, it seems like there is a significant barrier to high level play where you simply needed to get into the game before Opening Moves was sold out everywhere, or resign yourself to playing tier 2 (or lower) corporate decks.

Has there been any indication from FFG about how soon another printing might hit shelves? Has this been flagged as an potential issue and potential serious threat to the continued growth of a competitive player base?

Maybe I should have done even more research before deciding to buy into the game, but it's frustrating to want to get involved in the competitive scene only to find that there are almost no available copies of a card considered mandatory in most competitive decks. Maybe this isn't an issue in other cities, but I've called just about every game shop in Toronto (and surrounding cities, now) looking for a copy of this data pack, and literally every store is sold out of ONLY this data pack.

I'd sure look forward to any input on how I can find a copy without having to pay 2x MSRP or more, as this experience is becoming somewhat dispiriting.

There will be reprints, but sadly we were waiting a long time for the 'What lies Ahead' reprint from the Genesis cycle. They'll get there, but you may be a few months without.

On the plus side, learning to play without Jackson might actually help your game*. He's unarguably powerful, but also something of a crutch for Corps to lean on (much like Plascrete Carapace for runners, which is probably why WLA was sold out for so long).

*this is of course pure speculation.

Depending on what country your in, I could check if the local store has it and ship it to you

There will be reprints, but sadly we were waiting a long time for the 'What lies Ahead' reprint from the Genesis cycle. They'll get there, but you may be a few months without.

On the plus side, learning to play without Jackson might actually help your game*. He's unarguably powerful, but also something of a crutch for Corps to lean on (much like Plascrete Carapace for runners, which is probably why WLA was sold out for so long).

*this is of course pure speculation.

Thanks for the reply, Commissaar. Again as I'm new, I wasn't aware that other data packs had already seen reprints, so it's good to know FFG is tracking demand and reprinting to meet it (which only makes sense if they want their game to succeed). As you've said, I'll have to make do until I can find a copy of the pack. I'm sure I can build a deck without them, but the card is just so efficient at gaining and protecting resources. I'm no expert at the game yet, but even at first glance it's easy to see why the card is powerful (low cost, high efficiency card advantage engine that can protect your archives and restock R&D).

Depending on what country your in, I could check if the local store has it and ship it to you

I'm in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'd certainly appreciate it if you can let me know if your store has some, though I haven't completely given up hope on finding a copy in the city, though I've called about 10 major game stores and everyone is sold out >_<. Ideally I'm trying to find a local copy (or at least in country) so I can avoid shipping fees (and potentially duties on international orders).

Toronto had a hell of a competitive meta. You'll definitely learn a lot there.

Keep an eye on the location where Regional Tournament and the Canadian National Tournaments are, probably will find a good stock of product/players there

The community tends to be fairly laid back when it comes to making Proxies, too. That should help you build and test decks while you're waiting for reprints.

It's still out there...have you checked your local shops? I picked up a copy at mine for $14.99 last week. Maybe the dock strikes in CA clearing up will release some more copies...

@ OP Sorry to hear you're having difficulties getting the cards. It sounds like you may need to shop around a bit, and perhaps be willing to accept delays in getting the cards you want due to long distance postage etc.

I'm in the UK, and I've just decided to return to the game after a very long lay off. I'd collected up to Opening Moves (which was Sept 2013) but just popped onto Amazon and picked up every intervening expansion up-to and including Breaker Bay without an issue. My local geeky shop (not a very LFGS, which is why I used Amazon, poor customer service deserves no loyalty) had a good stock of product.

Me and my friend just started out too, and I got him a 'What Lies Ahead' data pack as a birthday gift last week. I figured I would wait untill payday (today) to get myself a copy, but the price on Amazon has DOUBLED since I got one for my friend.

Looks like I'll have to wait patiently for another reprint (I just got my hands on my X-Wing Millennium Falcon after a 6 month wait for the reprint to reach my LGS - I know the FFG drill :P )