Hey guys.
Posting in the hope you can help a fellow GM out. I want to surprise my players, get them a drawing of their characters, but I am how can I put it, Artistically Inept. I unfortunately don't have any methods of paying, so I hope that someone can achieve this work of art purely out of kindness. Also it will Most likely end up on the obsidian portal for the game, all credit will be given to you as well.
So I was wondering if anyone could possibly draw, or digitally paint a portrait of my groups character party.
Party consists of
A Mon Calamari Ambassador
Nautolan Ataru Striker
Zabrak Shi Cho Knight
Ewok Shi Cho Knight
Now the party is somewhat sith at the moment, but they are working hard to redeem themselves. They are a strange lot, that have already in a few sessions gotten into a lot of trouble. But their interesting, and for being great players I wanted to thank them.