Neutral LCG-only Deck

By Muzar, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

A while ago I thought I remembered someone on the forum asking whether it's possible to build a half-way decent Neutral deck in the LCG.

I thought it was, so, using only white-bordered (LCG) cards, here's an attempt which focusses on smiting in the arenas of skill, Combat and Arcane.

All comments/criticisms/suggestions are welcome, of course.

8x AMM F16 Alaskan Sledge Dog
3x ATT F76 Clever Zoog
3x CS F152 Dabbler in the Unknown
3x ATT F75 Descendant of Eibon, Master of the Black Arts
3x ASL F17 •Julia Brown, Insomniac
3x ATS F97 Obsessive Inmate
3x CS F145 Overzealous Initiate
3x ATT F77 Struggling Artist
3x AAD F57 The Cornered Man, "Like an Animal"
3x CS F144 Political Demonstration
2x ATT F79 Stealing the Glory
2x ATS F99 The Spawn of Madness
2x ATT F78 Total Eclipse
2x CS F146 Arkham Asylum
2x CS F153 Gentleman's Club
3x ATS F98 Parallel Universe
2x AAD F58 Secret Stiletto

Total 50


vs Terror - Julia Brown can absorb some terror losses and the Asylum helps to keep your characters in play, at least until you get out some Willpower and/or Struggling Artists.

vs Investigate - Out-do them with Arcane! Total Eclipse and Stealing the Glory - a little cumbersome, but happens before Investigate during resolution.

vs Speed & vs Control - Alaskan Sledge Dogs ftw! If necessary, keep in hand until you have three to play at once. Ideally, with three more on the next turn...

vs Really Good Decks - whimper.