Storm Trooper Advances (How to use Protector 300xp)

By Bleakheart26, in Only War Rules Questions

Here is a post for anyone knowing how to use the system. While playing a game of only war, we have a Storm Trooper in the game. That Stormtrooper has


type: passive


Effect: The storm trooper keeps a watchful eye on the less trained members of his Squad, keeping them safe with his superior trianing. Whenever any Comrade within 10 meters of the Storm Trooper would take a hit that would kill him, the storm trooper may take the hit instead, rolling damage as normal.

We had all kinds of arguements about how many times can a Storm Trooper take damage in one round. How far can he go if there were a line of people that took damage and each one was 10 meters appart. Could he go down the line an unlimited distance to save as many people as he can? Is he limited to only saving Comrade OR can he save other characters too like other Player character "squad mates". Is it only when (target) will die or take damage? Does he need to move to that person to Take the damage himself, or does he magically get a ricochet shot that saves the other guy. Does he have to move, use any action to take that damage?

Can someone please go over extensive detail to end all the potential arguements about this ability.

By Rules As Written, he can only save Comrades, and it doesn't actually move him from his current position. It's only when the target would die.

If you wanted to cover this with common sense, it would eat a reaction and require him to move to intercept the attack, very similar to how one dodges a grenade. I personally would be happy enough to allow it to help save PCs.

I don't know why on earth he would want to go down a line, taking shots for everyone's comrade. It isn't like he is made of metal, and I doubt he is in power armor. I would just let him do it, unless the comrade in question is a very unrealistic ways away, like the 10m or so.

Well that's just it really lol. It balances itself out by kicking the **** out of the Stormtrooper.

Well that's just it really lol. It balances itself out by kicking the **** out of the Stormtrooper.

It is a rather silly talent, as comrades aren't really worth saving. Especially if injuring a PC is how you accomplish it!

I think comrades are immensely valuable, but that's because I regularly play a Sergeant -> Commander, focused in the use of the Orders mechanic. You have not seen broken until you've seen a Lasgun firing line putting out more damage than Tau Pulse Rifles.

Edited by SgtLazarus

Eh, with this talent I think that this is one of those instances where it entirely up to the GM. By RAW, the Stormtrooper should be allowed to use it as often as he wants, and personally I would keep it that way. If the player uses it left and right to save comrades from dying, well obviously his character probably isn't going to have a long life span. Heroic tough guy sure, but long life span? No.

You gotta consider that a Hot-Shot Lasgun has an PEN of 7, which will rip through his Stormtrooper Carapace armor (AP 6), and obviously if they use that ability to intercept something like a Lascannon well, probably time to burn a fate point.

However it all depends on the type of game your running. If your game is primarily dealing with routing out start-up Chaos cults, renegade PDF and such then you may want to consider limiting it to once or twice per turn. If your game involves enemies that could easily one shot party members, like Chao's Space Marines or Necrons, then sure let the player run wild. Just make sure they have a backup character.

I know a storm trooper can die, it's not a matter of killing him. It is all the related questions that reading the ability what would be the restrictions.

  • Is there any limit to how many times he can take damage for a comrade?
  • Does he move to intercept the damage a comrade would take?
  • IF he moves then does it take an action(s)?
  • If there were 100-1,000 comrades in a line and each was was taking a killing shot and each one was 10 or 9 meters apart how many can he save 1-2 or all 1,000 if he survived each consecutive hit?
  • If 5 comrades were huddled in an area and someone tossed in a grenade can he save all the comrades by taking there damage? IF he can save them then other Guardmen/women still take damage despite him saving the comrades? (I.E. He took the damage cause he jumped on the grenade? movement? action? Limitations?)
  • Or does the storm trooper just magically think "HEY Bobby (the comrade) is going to get shot if I don't help!" then presto the storm trooper gets shot instead. (Bobby sure is lucky :)
  • Can the storm trooper save someone if in a fire fight, (while distracted) and is arguably unaware of the event taking place? (GM calls for a perception or awareness roll? or what?)

hope that clarifies what everyone was arguing about during our last game. It is HOW the ability functions, and how often, and What is the limitations if any (aside from the storm troopers wound points/armor/TB)? I'm sorta gathering most people are just agreeing with it is up to the GM to make those calls.

Edited by Bleakheart26


- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, assuming they were all within 10m of the Stormtrooper's position. If they are not, then no.
- Yes, all five.
- Pretty much.
- Yes.

Now, if we want to apply common sense to the dynamic, then that's something else entirely.

Yeah all those questions have the same answer: Rule 0.

Bleak is on of my players and I am glad he brought this to the table.

The instance was as follows; NPC was being assulted by a Player, MIss chance, when a round is missed on target, creates a chance for another to be hit in the same path as the shot fired. Unfortunately the next in line happened to be a Commerade. The stormtrooper in the Squad, 'reacted' to the shot fired even though it was indirect friendly fire that would have killed the already wounded commerade.

The distance was 10 meters exactly. However the Stormtrooper had a base charge of 9. So in order for him to intercept a shot, that he was not paying attentionn too since he waspreviously ordered to keep watch on the wall for another attack. He miraculously landed just intime to catch the shot with his chest.

Now that was done even though, the reaction was not on his turn it was before his turn in the current initiative. The book states that there can only be one reaction per round unless the PC declares that they are fighting defensively. Either way, upon getting to the Stormtroopers turn, since he already ran more than a full movement to intercept the shot. That should consume his turn should it not?

Now I know you may have answered this previously but I was just curious, after you heard a bit more of the details.

One last question, The ability being 'passive' does that also mean that if what is said before is true, then at any point. Even if the Stormtrooper does not choose to do so the 'saving' he is obligated. Just like many games that are out today and when skills are purchased, that are titled 'passive' they proc without needing to be prompted by the player. So Is that the same for Only War.

Thanks for your consideration and I really appreciate the feed-back frm Bleak's post.

"May take the hit". He has a choice.

As I said, rules as written, he would take the shot (if he so wished), as a "passive, free action", and then continue on as normal. As I said, it's kind of balanced by the fact that Stormtroopers will die if they keep jumping in the way, even if it seems silly.

I have to ask, if a Comrade was in melee and thus able to provoke the friendly fire 1 DoF misfire rule, why the hell wasn't he in cohesion with his controlling player? If cohesion were in play, the shot would have hit the PC in charge of that Comrade, rather than the Comrade himself.

The Current PC was incap'ed and unable to fight and by choice of the PC allowed his commerade to be with the Sgt. Yet where the Sgt was in relation to the shot (Three squares away), in direct Line of fire was the commerade only. To the current NPC getting attacked with a range weapon. If that makes sense. I was not aware again that the 'expended ammunition would take a completely different path to just impact the PC's but if that is the true meaning of that then we as a gaming unit will have to take that under consideration.

I utilize Mini's on a game map to incoporate distance and when firing through and around cover. the 180 degree firing arch of said PC who discharged her weapon could have only hit that commerade. Yet the stormtrooper who was behind and to the left about 9 meters acted in order to save the commerade. Then the argument insued the moment the Stormtrooper wished to continue on his turn when I said his turn was taken due to the 'passive' action already consumed for the round and movement.

Seeing that you have pointed out, his 'free action' ( And I am conlficted, because we as a group shifted to OW from Pathfinder, where in combat the Characters have set actions) How many Free actions can on character have in a 5sec period?

Thanks for the imput this does help me look at this in a different way.


- No.

- No.

- No.

- Yes, assuming they were all within 10m of the Stormtrooper's position. If they are not, then no.

- Yes, all five.

- Pretty much.

- Yes.

Now, if we want to apply common sense to the dynamic, then that's something else entirely.

Thank you SgtLazarus, R145 Gamma, cpteveros, & Manuss

I know it might seem anoying going at it with this approch but it is not with out reason. Again I really apprecetae your responces and time on this topic. I tend to be a little on the thorough side when it comes to game mechanics.

Part of going through every possablity like this is to 1) see how the game works, 2)see if a mechanic is broken or if it functions in context, such as game mechanics, 3)cover every probable arguement before such arguement arrises, and 4) If everyone likes it and want to work out a house rule based on said ability then it gives a base to work out said house rule. 5) Builds settlement on consensus.

:) in this case I could see an interesting house rule that one could add to this ability with more experance cost and say +" In addition the storm trouper may as a reflective action intercept damage of a squad mate if it is enough to kill." I considered it but someone else mentioned this allready. Even so One could asume this ability would be a prerequesit.

Edited by Bleakheart26