Confused about different booster packs

By Zeede2, in Hollow Bastion

A local store just started carrying this game, and they had three kinds of booster packs. Light and Dawn, A Darkness Awakened and these plain grey ones.

Some sleuthing shows that A Darkness Awakened is the first expansion, Light and Dawn the second one, and I presume the grey ones are the original set? It seems that my two starter deck sets are from A Darkness Awakened, so I was wondering whether there would be any overlapping cards between the first set and A Darkness Awakened, or are all of the sets completely different sets of cards?

Also, where might one find a full list of the cards in each set, including descriptions?


Speaking of confused....your post is a bit confusing, but I'll try to decipher it.

The grey packs are called "The Base Set" or set 1: 3 Starter decks came with this set, one with a Donald Duck Foil, one with a Goofy Foil, and one with a Ariel Foil.

the Red and White packs are A Darkness Awakened or Set 2: No Starter Decks came with this set, and it consisted of 90 or so Brand New Cards, no repeats from Set 1

The Orange and White packs are Light and Darkness or Set 3: This set also had no starter decks, but also consisted of over 90 Brand New Cards with no repeats from Set 1 or 2.

Soon you'll see some Blue packs, these will be Break of Dawn or Set 4: This will consist of 3 New Starter decks with a revised rulebook. These will each include a Wisdom Form Sora Foil, Valor Form Sora Foil, or Timeless River Mickey Foil. This set will also boast over 100 new cards (I can never remember the actual number) with a few reprints from older sets with revised rulings on them, as well as a new card layout.

Hope I've helped. ^_^

~Mr. Dawn

Break of Dawn contains 164 cards appromately.

As for complete lists. if you go to catalog, CCG's, Kingdom Hearts and go to the support page (I believe) there should be pdf file checklists that you can print off.

Roxas said:

Break of Dawn contains 164 cards appromately.

As for complete lists. if you go to catalog, CCG's, Kingdom Hearts and go to the support page (I believe) there should be pdf file checklists that you can print off.

I also have a youtube video with every card and their names. Just search for "myfavoritetvshow" on youtube and it should be one of my videos.

Thanks everyone! It looks like this is what happened:

1) Bought two starter decks, one with a Goofy foil and one with a Donald foil. This was the original set, it seems.

2) Bought six booster packs of what I thought was the same set, but apparently what I bought was six booster packs from Set 2, A Darkness Awakened

3) Bought six booster packs today of A Darkness Awakened (hence the repeats, and hence my confusion) and six packs of Light And Darkness.

It looks like Light And Darkness introduces the concept of a Dark Player, are Dark Friends decks popular and/or effective?


The concept of Dark Decks used to be popular, however they will, i repeat WILL, be owned by a Light Deck every time.

Roxas said:

The concept of Dark Decks used to be popular, however they will, i repeat WILL, be owned by a Light Deck every time.

Well... not every time. Fate did an amazing job with a Dark Aggro Control and nearly beat me. So it does currently have the potential to win. It is just that you need to construct perfectly along with have some luck.

Card_Breaker said:

Roxas said:

The concept of Dark Decks used to be popular, however they will, i repeat WILL, be owned by a Light Deck every time.

Well... not every time. Fate did an amazing job with a Dark Aggro Control and nearly beat me. So it does currently have the potential to win. It is just that you need to construct perfectly along with have some luck.

But did not. Any deck can win, it just depends on the skills of the person playing the deck and the amount of luck they have during the match. My claim is on the fact that everything par for both, and if both people have the same luck and the same skills, that Light Deck will win 9.9/10 times, Dark doesnt have the materials to cover itself and the longer the game goes the more likely defeat is.

I fully Agree with Roxas on that account.

As for a card database go to: and click on Databases in the top right hand corner of the home page. ^_^

Roxas said:

...and the longer the game goes the more likely defeat is.

Add this to the fact that Dark Decks take a while to get started in the first place and... yeah.

I've done a lot of experimenting with Dark Decks and I've got to say that they aren't actually very practical. I tried to make them work. I really did. But as far as Dark Decks go for set 3... forget it.

There's several different ways one can construct a "good" Dark Deck, but they each have a very simple counter. This isn't an all-inclusive list by any means but these are some examples of why Dark Decks don't have a lot of potential.

Mass Friend Dark Aggro Deck: This is probably the most obvious and simple Dark Deck, but it's also tricky. The basic idea is that you fill your Dark Deck with nothing but Dark Cards. If you can get a level 8 or level 9 friend in your friend zone, then you can basically have 6 new friend cards every single turn, and the larger your friend zone gets the smaller your deck gets, meaning more reshuffles and thus meaning you can get those cards that have a nice "Put card into play" effect as often as you need them. It's also best to put both Wizards and Sea Neons into this deck to block Magic and Attack Cards since you won't be using them anyways, making this something of an Aggro/Control deck. It also works VERY well agaisnt anyone who tries to world race since you'll ALWAYS have some kind of Dark Card to use against them. The best Player card for this kind of Dark Deck is Ansem, but if you want to you can replace the Sea Neons with Soul Eaters and make this a Dark Riku deck. Just don't complain when their attack cards start causing you problems.

So why doesn't this deck work? Well most people will say that when your opponent uses Monstro level 1 you won't have the ability to mass friends. But Monstro, while a safe counter, is not actually the absolute best counter to this deck. The best counter to this deck is Simba Level 4 (Clears out all friend cards except for one) followed closely by Kairi or (more likely for WRs) a Beast-Jack or Herc-Jack combo (Say good-bye to your last friend if it's level 7 or less.) If your friend zone is completely cleared out, you'll have to start all over from scratch. And if you're already late into the game, then you may as well forfeit because you'll never recover in time to stop them from getting to world level 13 or depleting all of your HP, depending on what kind of deck they are. That said, the Simba combo is much harder to pull off and Monstro is a much more common threat to this deck.

Anti-Monstro Dark Aggro Deck: This one is apparently a lot less obvious, because no one ever mentions how easily a Dark Deck can get around a player using Monstro. The basic idea is this: Only use low level Dark Cards like Bounceywild for its Card into Play effect or Large Body for its high support value at its low level. And don't use too many Dark Cards. Fill up most of your deck with Attack Cards. You can put magic cards into your deck too if you like, but most of your power comes from your Attack Cards. Yeah I know I've advocated Cure cards in the past but since this isn't a WR deck I wouldn't bother. WIth all of the Attack Cards you'll be getting every single turn, you'll easily be able to either match or overcome anything that the Monstro-using player will throw at you. It's not really practical to use Control cards like Sebastian or Owl if you're also using Monstro, since they take up valuable Friend Space, so you probably won't have to worry about all of your attack cards suddenly becoming useless. Since Ansem can't even use attack cards, Dark Riku is the clear and only choice for this type of deck.

So now your deck can get around Monstro, the big weakness of Dark Decks. So how does this fare against other deck types? For example an Aggro/Control deck? It doesn't. Once someone puts Sebastian on the field you'll be pounded hard into the ground and it will hurt. Ouch. And don't even get me started on the Monstro + Sephiroth combo. That will be hard to keep up with even for this deck which is designed around fighting Monstro. The best way for this deck to deal with Sephiroth is to get a Parasite Cage on him. But then Parasite Cage is a level 7 Dark Card and you'll have a LOT of difficulty trying to build up to level 7 while still having a chance to win when your opponent is using Monstro level 1.

Also, if you're gonna fill your Deck with Attack Cards, just trade your Dark Riku player card for a normal Riku player card and make yourself a light Monstro/Aggro deck. You'll have a much better chance winning that way.

Why no Dark World Racer Decks?: Well, there's a card in set 2 called Stealth Sneak that a Dark Player can never-ever get rid of UNLESS they retreat from their current world card. Of course, as soon as they do that they have to clear out their friend zone which, as I've already stated, is very very bad for a Dark Deck. You can technically win as a Dark Deck World Racer but only if your opponent doesn't have anything to deal with World Racers... There's also a few card combos that basically have the same effect and they are all devestating for even the best Dark WR Deck, but meanwhile a good Light WR Deck will be able to step around them if they draw the right cards that turn.

In other words, you can only win as a Dark Deck WR if you have a weak opponent. Not very reassuring, right? Yeah, it wasn't really meant to be.

Short Version: What Roxas said.

Sluppie said:

Roxas said:

...and the longer the game goes the more likely defeat is.

Add this to the fact that Dark Decks take a while to get started in the first place and... yeah.

I've done a lot of experimenting with Dark Decks and I've got to say that they aren't actually very practical. I tried to make them work. I really did. But as far as Dark Decks go for set 3... forget it.

There's several different ways one can construct a "good" Dark Deck, but they each have a very simple counter. This isn't an all-inclusive list by any means but these are some examples of why Dark Decks don't have a lot of potential.

Mass Friend Dark Aggro Deck: This is probably the most obvious and simple Dark Deck, but it's also tricky. The basic idea is that you fill your Dark Deck with nothing but Dark Cards. If you can get a level 8 or level 9 friend in your friend zone, then you can basically have 6 new friend cards every single turn, and the larger your friend zone gets the smaller your deck gets, meaning more reshuffles and thus meaning you can get those cards that have a nice "Put card into play" effect as often as you need them. It's also best to put both Wizards and Sea Neons into this deck to block Magic and Attack Cards since you won't be using them anyways, making this something of an Aggro/Control deck. It also works VERY well agaisnt anyone who tries to world race since you'll ALWAYS have some kind of Dark Card to use against them. The best Player card for this kind of Dark Deck is Ansem, but if you want to you can replace the Sea Neons with Soul Eaters and make this a Dark Riku deck. Just don't complain when their attack cards start causing you problems.

So why doesn't this deck work? Well most people will say that when your opponent uses Monstro level 1 you won't have the ability to mass friends. But Monstro, while a safe counter, is not actually the absolute best counter to this deck. The best counter to this deck is Simba Level 4 (Clears out all friend cards except for one) followed closely by Kairi or (more likely for WRs) a Beast-Jack or Herc-Jack combo (Say good-bye to your last friend if it's level 7 or less.) If your friend zone is completely cleared out, you'll have to start all over from scratch. And if you're already late into the game, then you may as well forfeit because you'll never recover in time to stop them from getting to world level 13 or depleting all of your HP, depending on what kind of deck they are. That said, the Simba combo is much harder to pull off and Monstro is a much more common threat to this deck.

Anti-Monstro Dark Aggro Deck: This one is apparently a lot less obvious, because no one ever mentions how easily a Dark Deck can get around a player using Monstro. The basic idea is this: Only use low level Dark Cards like Bounceywild for its Card into Play effect or Large Body for its high support value at its low level. And don't use too many Dark Cards. Fill up most of your deck with Attack Cards. You can put magic cards into your deck too if you like, but most of your power comes from your Attack Cards. Yeah I know I've advocated Cure cards in the past but since this isn't a WR deck I wouldn't bother. WIth all of the Attack Cards you'll be getting every single turn, you'll easily be able to either match or overcome anything that the Monstro-using player will throw at you. It's not really practical to use Control cards like Sebastian or Owl if you're also using Monstro, since they take up valuable Friend Space, so you probably won't have to worry about all of your attack cards suddenly becoming useless. Since Ansem can't even use attack cards, Dark Riku is the clear and only choice for this type of deck.

So now your deck can get around Monstro, the big weakness of Dark Decks. So how does this fare against other deck types? For example an Aggro/Control deck? It doesn't. Once someone puts Sebastian on the field you'll be pounded hard into the ground and it will hurt. Ouch. And don't even get me started on the Monstro + Sephiroth combo. That will be hard to keep up with even for this deck which is designed around fighting Monstro. The best way for this deck to deal with Sephiroth is to get a Parasite Cage on him. But then Parasite Cage is a level 7 Dark Card and you'll have a LOT of difficulty trying to build up to level 7 while still having a chance to win when your opponent is using Monstro level 1.

Also, if you're gonna fill your Deck with Attack Cards, just trade your Dark Riku player card for a normal Riku player card and make yourself a light Monstro/Aggro deck. You'll have a much better chance winning that way.

Why no Dark World Racer Decks?: Well, there's a card in set 2 called Stealth Sneak that a Dark Player can never-ever get rid of UNLESS they retreat from their current world card. Of course, as soon as they do that they have to clear out their friend zone which, as I've already stated, is very very bad for a Dark Deck. You can technically win as a Dark Deck World Racer but only if your opponent doesn't have anything to deal with World Racers... There's also a few card combos that basically have the same effect and they are all devestating for even the best Dark WR Deck, but meanwhile a good Light WR Deck will be able to step around them if they draw the right cards that turn.

In other words, you can only win as a Dark Deck WR if you have a weak opponent. Not very reassuring, right? Yeah, it wasn't really meant to be.

Short Version: What Roxas said.

This entire post was completely unecessary....for talk as if no one knows these things...

I bet the OP didn't.

WayToTheDawn said:

This entire post was completely unecessary....for talk as if no one knows these things...

Agreed. Not to make a blatant personal attack at you or anything, Sluppie , but that post was something for Gummi or Rules Discussion. Not this thread....

He asked a question and I answered it.

You guys can't even say that I'm wrong and yet you still find a way to have a problem with everything I do or say. Amazing.

Sluppie said:

He asked a question and I answered it.

You guys can't even say that I'm wrong and yet you still find a way to have a problem with everything I do or say. Amazing.

No. We're saying that your post was a wall of useless. Describing your opinions on dark decks has nothing to do with agreeing with people in this thread nor does it back up anybody in this thread. So why post it here when you could of posted it in Gummi Garage as a deck theory?

Sluppie said:

He asked a question and I answered it.

You guys can't even say that I'm wrong and yet you still find a way to have a problem with everything I do or say. Amazing.

Actually, didn't. The question in this thread pertained to which booster packs were which set, and where he could find a card database.

you proceeded to throw up a wall of text explaining some junk about dark decks (I didn't read it all, fell asleep halfway through, sorry.) that was branching off of an already off topic thread.

Well, for what it's worth, I still found the post interesting. I've got a lot to learn playing this game, and I'll take any and all information I can :)


Zeede said:

Well, for what it's worth, I still found the post interesting. I've got a lot to learn playing this game, and I'll take any and all information I can :)


If you have questions you can either post them in the apportiate section or send me and email at JudgeMagisterJRS@aol.col and I will try and help you as much as I can.

Zeede said:

Well, for what it's worth, I still found the post interesting. I've got a lot to learn playing this game, and I'll take any and all information I can :)


This right there is all the vindication I really could ask for.

Who cares if a couple of oldbies of the game already know about everything that I had said? I mean, if they're going to claim to be experts then they darn well better know about the kind of stuff that I can figure out within a month of playing. I'd have serious reason to doubt their expertise if they tried to argue against it. I don't need to be told "Hey, dude. We already knew that the sky was blue" because, let's face it: I wasn't talking to you in the first place.

Sluppie said:

Zeede said:

Well, for what it's worth, I still found the post interesting. I've got a lot to learn playing this game, and I'll take any and all information I can :)


This right there is all the vindication I really could ask for.

Who cares if a couple of oldbies of the game already know about everything that I had said? I mean, if they're going to claim to be experts then they darn well better know about the kind of stuff that I can figure out within a month of playing. I'd have serious reason to doubt their expertise if they tried to argue against it. I don't need to be told "Hey, dude. We already knew that the sky was blue" because, let's face it: I wasn't talking to you in the first place.

Actually some people have a valid arguement that the sky is really black =). lol. It's not that they're oldbies, hell I'm an oldbie, I think it's just we're all really wound up with Set 4 being, for lack of a better term, delayed (again). Mr. Dawn I can personally vouche for as an expert, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just as agiatated as the rest of us in the competitive ring so do try and cut him a little slack.

I guess that's understandable.

Not to mention that it's pretty hot this time of year. At least where I live. That probably doesn't help things either.

And in my country it's still cold and wet.

Stupid rain ¬_¬

As for the 'Oldbies knowing what I said' comment, our point is: Your comment before had nothing to do with the topic. It didn't pertain to the topic. Whilst it made sense, IT DIDN'T BELONG HERE.

Actually to be somewhat of a party killer here, it did. The creator of this topic asked about Dark Players which I answered and he .....added to, i guess. It's tweetering on the line of in play and not, but that's yet from my view.

Roxas said:

Actually to be somewhat of a party killer here, it did. The creator of this topic asked about Dark Players which I answered and he .....added to, i guess. It's tweetering on the line of in play and not, but that's yet from my view.

This presents an interesting Modding question, as he may have asked that question, but it was still off topic from the original post.

"If the Topic of a thread becomes off topic because of the Original it still technically off topic?"

To be fair...this post itself is off I'm screwed all around then.

While I understand the purpose of the mods wanting to keep threads on topic, at the same time it's annoying to have to start a new thread just because some comments started me on another line of thinking.

At any rate, thanks for the info :)
