(Long post, it didn't mean to start that way but I kept typing, so heads up)
I know there was a post awhile ago about this-- but I'd like to start a fresh thread. I'm into game 2...3 coming up in April, I'm GM. Now me and my group have a long way to go before we get the ham of this game and I'm always jotting notes down from the forums. I take notes about stuff I mess up with and go over the correct way with my group. They get the idea of how to add rolls and how mechanics work-- but sorta stuck in that mode of math and OOC tactics over narrative and fun (I need to change that and try to steer them in the rift direction).
But they are sorta in that MMO aspect of beat up the minions and loot their stuff. I don't mind it here and there but they cleared a small prison base and scared off the nemesis and a few of his minions in an awesome RP scene Mexican stand-off. So the baddy fled and they looted the F off the fallen. They tend to get caught up in the mechanics and not story-- despite my efforts. How many guns do we get how much creds? I tell them that they get only a few working ones, most are damaged or broken via the fire fight with you guys. They even ask me "is this a minion group?" If some thugs attack. I hand wave them or ignore them or come up with an excuse to try and get to the narrative of why does it matter? Just enjoy the ride?
One issue I have is 1 hardcore MMO math number cruncher and powergamer. He will spout out ideas because, yes it sounds good and it's what you should do mechanically, we have another that agrees and the other two sort of get out voted or ignored despite efforts to tell the others to do as they see their characters doing. But of course the step by step always sounds good in the end to them and they always take course of action.
Now I'm going to implement the one sentence as incidental in combat to lower the OOC tactical mode OOC chatter. I'm also implementing the initiative roll can be added to the pool or used in the order you rolled it (because the step by step usually places the marauder last and it sucks she always takes the backseat ride in combat). I'll be implementing and coaxing more narratives out of their advantages.
Again I still have a long way to adjusting their mentality but they still tend to have that MMO OOC mechanic aspect of the game. Looting the dead is a major one. I'll be having them take some strain as they have nightmares of looting the dead. I'll be giving them a nice narrative. But what else can I do besides keep telling them, weapons are broken or lost in the combat.
Edited by theclash24