With Chirpy at 2 hull and d at 1 hull, he had a chance to Vader D, but wanted to try and finish D off with Fel, and unfortunately he did.
I'm missing a slide here, but B did a 3 right bank sloop, while fel turned left to get behind the rock, then next round I did a 3 right bank and TL, which was another mistake because i should have boosted to get out of Fel's arc
He took B down to 1 hull left, so a vader would have finished me off, so we called it here. It was definitely a lesson of what I should do against this list (which I faced again later, and won against.) this was also my Stay on target version, so my squad is different now.
1. I should have gone after Chirpy to start with. If I can get both guns on him and take him down, Fel will have a hard time killing both of mine in 75 minutes. Plus focusing on Chirpy will draw Fel into the fray where he is more susceptible.
2. There were far too many rounds where I didn't get a shot with B, in fact, most of the game. Yeah, i can't be doing that at all, and I have been better about that vs Interceptors lately.
3. Engine Deci is something to consider, especially when they move after I do.
4. Stay on target was worthless against higher PS ships, so I switched out to Expert handling soon after this game.
All in all, it was a bad game for me, but a good lesson from the master, so i learned.
Edited by hothie