R2-D2 Icon

By DarkJodo, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So the icon next to R2-D2's name is pretty clearly an icon from the back of a side mission card (see pic for evidence). Let's speculate what this could possibly mean!


Edited by DarkJodo

Astromech symbol. Used for certain tests that require an astromech.

Alternately, it is a far far far shot of R2-D2 taking a solo flight around Hoth. You' know, cause he's so coooool.

Edited by Fizz

Hear me out here, can we rule out that it's a Pokeball?

I'll quote my post from the other thread:

Has anyone else notice the icon next to R2-D2's name?


It's similar to the Icon on the other cards marking them as part of this expansion, but not exactly alike. That may be a result of the early preview graphics though.

Doesn't it look a little like the planets on the back of the mission cards? So maybe that is a campaign-only version of R2-D2? That's my guess. I think the figure pack comes with a different copy of R2-D2 that will be used in skirmish (the face-down card in the figure pack) and the box expansion includes the campaign one that will have traits that help the Rebels in specific missions.

If that's the case, why include the campaign-only R2-D2 in the figure pack? I think it's because that R2 will be incorporated into the side mission that comes with the figure pack.

Edited by Budgernaut

I think that is exactly what that is.

I'll quote my post from the other thread:

Has anyone else notice the icon next to R2-D2's name?


It's similar to the Icon on the other cards marking them as part of this expansion, but not exactly alike. That may be a result of the early preview graphics though.

Doesn't it look a little like the planets on the back of the mission cards? So maybe that is a campaign-only version of R2-D2? That's my guess. I think the figure pack comes with a different copy of R2-D2 that will be used in skirmish (the face-down card in the figure pack) and the box expansion includes the campaign one that will have traits that help the Rebels in specific missions.

If that's the case, why include the campaign-only R2-D2 in the figure pack? I think it's because that R2 will be incorporated into the side mission that comes with the figure pack.

Edited by Salex215

The symbol on the R2-D2 card doesn't match the symbol for the expansion.

If you look at the preview article all the cards have the same symbol on them.

Campaign specific version seems incredibly likely.

That version must have an ability like:

--> --> If all heroes are wounded and about to lose, you may interrupt to save the day. Rebels win the mission.

From what I can see in the low resolution image of the figure pack card, it also has the icon.

It may not have a meaning yet, but perhaps, is there for a future set. It could be any number of things to being able to plot a course to functioning in vacuum.

Likely though, it means he must be deployed with, or gets benefits from being deployed with, C-3P0

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange

Could it be a time-period thing for campaigns ? Different R2-D2 depending on which time period you play ?

It would be cool to have the same thing on other characters. I guess there will be a much more powerful Luke. The one at the knocking at Jabba's palace door is clearly not the same that gets his hand cut, for example.

From what I can see in the low resolution image of the figure pack card, it also has the icon.

Right. Which is why I think the face-down deployment card is a skirmish-version of R2-D2. They include both versions in the figure pack in case you buy that ally pack without Twin Shadows because I'm betting the side mission in the ally pack uses the campaign version of R2-D2.

All packs shows a face-down card. I think its only there to show the backside of the card.

All packs shows a face-down card. I think its only there to show the backside of the card.

This is not true. It is indeed an unrevealed Deployment card or Skirmish upgrade. These appeared in Wave 1. General Weiss had his deployment card face up in addition to a facedown card, which we now know is an AT-ST.