Hi Guys,
Lately I've been using a little trick to be able to see initiative on planets. Once the first 5 planets are revealed (and we do the same for the next 2) we orientate the planet so that it is facing the player that has or will have the initiative marker when that planet is number one.
I've found it is a quick and easy way to look down the line and plan your strategy and is really helpful in speeding up deployment decisions (i.e. you look down and see that you won't have initiative on planet 4 so you drop your Marksman there...).
We used it at my local store champs on the weekend and everyone seemed to like it.
I guess my question is: Is this technically allowed in a tournament setting (even with both player's agreement)?
Note: This is about who will have the initiative marker - obviously a number of things will determine who will have initiative at the battle at the planet (warlords, events ets). It is mainly a deployment thing - and is also really helpful when you forget to exchange the initiative marker and need to count back!
Edited by Jedlington