Tactigorn's Ability

By Bullroarer Took, in Rules questions & answers

"Each enemy engaged with you gets -1 (defense).

Response: After Aragorn participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, choose an enemy not engaged with you and engage that enemy."

Am I reading it right that if you pull an enemy from the staging area the enemy will not be able to attack because its window of opportunity will have passed, but the player may be able to attack the enemy if he has available attackers?

(Sorry, I can't remember if we have discussed this or not.)

I think you are correct, except for attacks allowed by card effects prior to the Enemies Attack phase (using Quick Strike, for example).

Correct, the enemy would not attack if you have already finished the Enemies Attack part of combat.

The situation that is not 100% clear to me is if you use quick strike during the Enemies Attack phase. Consider a two player game where the first player has Aragorn. He resolves his enemy attacks and then the second player starts their enemy attacks. If Aragorn quick strikes and engages an enemy from player 2, does that enemy not attack at all this round? If so, would the opposite be true if Aragorn was controlled by player 2? Could an enemy attack twice?

Correct, the enemy would not attack if you have already finished the Enemies Attack part of combat.

The situation that is not 100% clear to me is if you use quick strike during the Enemies Attack phase. Consider a two player game where the first player has Aragorn. He resolves his enemy attacks and then the second player starts their enemy attacks. If Aragorn quick strikes and engages an enemy from player 2, does that enemy not attack at all this round? If so, would the opposite be true if Aragorn was controlled by player 2? Could an enemy attack twice?

Just to be clear, Aragorn resolving Quick Strike on his own enemy before player 2's enemy attacks right? In that case I think that he could pull an enemy from player 2 and that enemy will not be able to attack. I love subtle combos like this.

Yeah, that's what I had in mind. Although it's kind of a waste because you are quick striking your own enemy after he already attacked.

The ultimate combo for this would be to quick strike player 2's enemy via Rivendell Bow. That way you kill the one enemy before he attacks and you engage a second enemy. The second enemy is effectively feinted because of this timing trick, so you are negating two attacks with a single quick strike.

Merry should be a good combo with Tactigorn.