Great Lakes Regional Roll Call

By Drewkasa, in UFS General Discussion

I am looking to get a head count/figure out the guest list for our regional. It is this Saturday July 11and if you need more info head here

So far it looks like my team will be there along with our locals and UFS house, Marcus, Mattymorgs, and possibly Jellie. Is anyone else planning to attend? If so please post here.

Me Danny and Keith are gonna go. If u get a chance can u let Jeremy know i need to talk to him. thanks

yeah i should be able to make it if I can borrow some bad cards lol...

Mike: The message has been passed

Kirk just let me know what you need.

Im going to be there of course, and so is Nick and Marcus from RIW. Not sure about chris or the Other Kirk. Im hoping for a really good turn out, what with the new bans changing the meta, people are going to need practice for worlds next month.

Also Andrew, could you please bring those x2 High Tides for me.

PS, JUST SO PEOPLE KNOW THE STORE OPENS AT 11:00AM, SO THATS THE EARLIEST THAT ANYONE COULD SHOW UP (and get inside, however there is a coney Island next door where you could get food)

Me and Jellie are a definite, and Matt is 50/50. Also, does anyone that will be attending have any extra Midnight Launchers that I could borrow/buy/trade for? I still need 3, but 2 would be sufficient enough. Thanks everyone.

I'm going oh wait everyone all ready said that. I tryed to convice omar to come but he said something about grabbing boobs and i told him no. So hes not coming. But i tryed no hes yelling at me because i'm not goint to gencon.... Well see u all there!!!!

I'd go, but Jeremy Ray said that if I ever showed my face in Michigan, he would ******* kill me.

this is chris and of corse ill be there its only 4 miles from my house.

but i need some crds from grant

Skip the launchers, and Mattymorgs is out. Matt is swamped with clearance items at our store, as well as the 2010 pre-release, so ya, he isn't able to go anywhere. But me and Jell will see everyone tomorrow! (I hope I finish my deck by then. At least Jellie has one...)