Jump Troopers Custom Unit (Battlefront II Dark Troopers)

By ThatJakeGuy, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I LOVE Star Wars Battlefront II (between PS2 and PC, I've probably played 700 hours of that beautiful game), and my favorite unit was always the Imperial Dark Trooper. With the awesome mobility of the jump pack and the Arc Caster to kill whole groups of scum, they could dominate the battlefield when in the right hands. Here is my humble attempt to bring my favorite unit to Imperial Assault.


Next to any interesting stat, I have my comments and justifications for the design choice in italics

Jump Troopers (Battlefront II Dark Troopers):

Cost 5 ( Maybe 6? It feels weird to have more than one figure for only 5 points, but they're also really squishy )

Reinforce 3

2 Figures per pod

Health: 3 ( Should be 2 based on in-game health, but that would just be insanely low )

Speed: 3 ( They were some of the slowest ground units the Imps could field, besides the Heavy Troopers )

Defense: B

Attack: GY ( The Arc caster did moderate damage at close range (Green), after a brief charging period (Yellow). )

Surge: Stun ( The arc caster weapon had a stun effect in-game )

Surge: Blast 1. ( It also spread to other units, if charged enough )

(Maybe) Surge: Pierce 1 ( The Arc Caster ignored armor and did damage directly to the opponent's health. )

-> Jump Pack: Move a number of spaces up to your speed +2. You gain Mobile during this movement. ( The Jump Pack moves the trooper quickly, but you can't attack very effectively while in the air. This is why the Jump Trooper only has Mobile during this special movement and not at all times. This enables you to either jump in really quickly and then attack, taking the full force of the counter attack if you don't kill the target, or start close to the target and attack, then jet away real quick-like after unloading. )

Surge Shielding: These figures are unaffected by the Blast effects of Dark Trooper figures (Including themselves). [ It would be rather silly to be able to Blast yourself on a unit that thrives on getting really close to a target. The Jump Pack already encourages a high risk play style, no need to make that even riskier ]

The Regular Jump Trooper in Skirmish and Campaign will be amazing at ambushing targets and dealing 1-2 damage and a Stun. The problem here will be that they are as squishy as a stormtrooper, so you will have to choose your targets carefully to be sure that the targets you stun are worth losing your troopers over. They will be especially brutal in campaign, where you could slow down the rebels at a relatively minor threat cost.

ELITE Jump Troopers

Cost 8

Reinforce 4

Two figures

Health 4

Speed 4

Defense B

Attack: GY

+1 Surge

Surge: Stun

Surge: Pierce 2

Surge: Blast 2

-> Jump Pack: Move a number of spaces up to your speed +2. You gain Mobile during this movement.

Surge Shielding: These figures are unaffected by the Blast effects of Dark Trooper figures (Including themselves).

Quick Escape: After an attack targeting you has resolved, you may interrupt to perform a free "Jump Pack" action. Limit once per figure per round. ( In-game, the Dark Trooper could use the jump pack twice before having to recharge. A pro strategy was to jump in, attack an enemy, and jump out. Recharge, rinse, repeat )

The Elite Jump Troopers hit like a truck, annihilating enemy trooper groups in Skirmish and severely punishing bunched heroes in Campaign. The +1 Surge makes them a prime candidate for Imperial Industry and Savage Weaponry attachments. My intent here was to make a group that fills a similar role to the Royal Guards, but focused more on mobility than the stalwart objective defenders and ally boosters of the Empire's red-robed finest. With the Quick Escape ability, it's possible to move quickly around the battlefield to aggressively attack enemies and take objectives. I fear I might have made them too squishy, but with Quick Escape they probably won't be attacked more than once in a round unless your opponents are deliberately trying to surround them. Finally, the Quick Escape ability incentivizes you to activate the Elites first so that you can move in, take your shot, and still be able to escape on the first (or second in campaign) enemy activation, because with their low health the Jump Troopers will not be able to survive sustained fire.

So that's my take on the Battlefront II Dark Trooper! Any helpful criticisms or suggestions on my designs are more than welcome.