Elronds Counsel and all Noldor

By luck5275, in Rules questions & answers

Can i use Elronds Counsel if all i currently control are Unique Noldor Characters? or does it in effect choose one and i cant target that specific one?

text reads

Action: If you control a unique Noldor character , give another character +1 willpower.gif until the end of the phase and lower your threat by 3.

i ask because me and my brother read it in two different ways

Yes you can. It simply says to select "another character," which means any character other than the unique Noldor who has qualified you to play the card in the first place.

Thematically, you select 1 Noldor, who then gives advice to another character. That character gets +1 willpower. It doesn't matter whether the 2nd character is a Noldor or not.
