Afraid I'm overusing Boromir

By Trialus, in Rules questions & answers

I've been playing through the Against the Shadow cycle with a Tactomir/Loragorn/Sprifindel deck and am afraid that I am overusing Boromir's readying ability. I know he cannot ready to attack the same enemy again in the same round, but what about defending against multiple attacks in the same round or participating in attacks against multiple different enemies in the same round? Are these legal or have I totally been breaking the rules?

Thanks for the help!

Whoops...think I just had my questions answered by the "two elementary questions" thread below.

Also tune in on the tuesday night twitch streams from COTR. You will get the answer there if Brandon is playing his Boromir deck :)

That combo is insanely powerful with the right attachments. I think I've used Boromir as many as six times in a single round.

Crabble...thanks for the heads up about COTR. I've been listening to their podcast, but haven't watched any of their play sessions. I'll have to check them out.

Bullroarer...It has been a really powerful (and fun) deck. Has made it through HoN/AtS without too much difficulty..except for Steward's Fear (don't know why, but no matter what kind of deck i use, I find that quest really, but difficult) and Morgul Vale. Wish I could take credit for thinking of it, but I took the idea from a deck Tracker1 posted.

Your not overusing him until you ready him like brandon did in this episode just for the heck of it: