Painting these guys.

By StormbringerGT, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there a paintguide for painting these guys? Some of the Hero pics are small and only focus on a single area, and some master monsters dont have a despcription in how they look different.

Is there a resource that has the original or fullsize pics of heroes in this game?


I haven't seen one. Though 'some' of the heroes has full sized pictures on the covers and inside the rulebooks. Though I guess you have already seen this. You 'could' track down the artists' homepages, they often have a more full sized picture of the art. Lastly, just use your imagination, and what ever you think looks great. :)

Best of luck, so far, I have only painted 6 heroes :)

Check the image gallery on boardgamegeek, there are TONS of examples.

Honestly, it takes so much time to paint them that the ability to get a little creative will likely be your favorite part.

Thanks for the help. Yeah Ive started to fill in the blanks on the miniatures with my own imagination. :D

There is no paint guide that I'm aware of, although as others have said you can find inspiration on BGG and such. Personally i think the pictures on the hero cards are big enough and detailed enough to get me through the job (now if only I could find the time...)

And yeah, as far as monsters are concerned you just go nuts. =)

As others have said the images of the characters/critters should be enough and you can fill in the blanks with your own inspiration. I know I read the creature descriptions and it gives ideas on how to paint the default critters different from the Masters. But at the end of the day it is your game and you have to settle on what looks good for you.

Hey StormbringerGT,

I just started painting my mini's for Descent too. I'm wildly slow but having a lot of fun with it. So far I have 5 Beastmen done.

Someone meantioned They were right, you'll find tons of pics from other fans doing the same thing.

FF also has a 'news' article for painting the mini's. It's excellent, check it out:

I'll try to get a few pics of what I've done and post them here. I'd be very currious to see what you've got done so far too.

Hein99 said:

Hey StormbringerGT,

I just started painting my mini's for Descent too. I'm wildly slow but having a lot of fun with it. So far I have 5 Beastmen done.

Someone meantioned They were right, you'll find tons of pics from other fans doing the same thing.

FF also has a 'news' article for painting the mini's. It's excellent, check it out:

I'll try to get a few pics of what I've done and post them here. I'd be very currious to see what you've got done so far too.

I'll Take some pics. and take the criticisms that will come with them. I'm interesting in looking at your minis too! I devoured every pic on boardgamegeek and I'm completely awed by what I see there! The level of detail some people achieve completely amaze me. I just got back from Ren Faire so I'll take some pics of what I got and get back. Thanks!

OK! It took me a very long time to finally take a picture of some of my Beast Men that I've painted. But here they are!

( )

They're really no where near as good as a lot of paint jobs that I've seen but I'm still pretty happy. They do look a lot better than plain white or red plastic. In fact they look a little better in real life because you can't see all the ugly detail that this really zoomed in picture shows off. preocupado.gif

Painting them was a lot of fun but it's going to take me a life time to paint all of my FF mini's! But I'm ok with that.

The four in the back row are still not done. They have only their base colors. I have to add more detail, wash, and dry brush. Even my amatuer washing and drying brushing really does help. lengua.gif I was surprised and I can see how it will get a lot better with practice.

Many many many years ago I use to paint Warhammer 40,000 space marines. I painted about 12 of them and I did remember a lot of things I learned back then but it really helped a lot to look up tips for painting mini's on-line.

Anyone who is interested in trying this out shouldn't be scared off. Give it a go!