FYI its Schaumburg not Schaumberg.
Hey Guys
FFG will be at Adepticon. On Saturday March 21th FFG will be running an Imperial Assault Tournament.
You will need a 40 pt squad, 15 card command deck with sleeves and your map tiles. Also need counters and your dice.
The event starts at 9 am. The cost is 15 dollars for the event. Its free to get into the con but if you want to play any events or demo games Saturdays Badge cost is 25 dollars.
Everyone that plays will get a Adepticon only Elite Trando Card promo and other prizes will be given out.
For more info:
1551 N. Thoreau Dr.
Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 USA
Hope to see you all there
Edited by Jonnyb815