Burning on the Sand - Timing

By HastAttack, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion


Can you clarify when BotS response can be used ... I would have thought it was at challenge resolution

Response: If an opponent would win a challenge against you, cancel the determination of the challenge winner. No one wins the challenge

In a melee game, I was supporting a Martell house opponent, had Winterfell (claim 2 power is I win a MIL battle as defender) and had lots of military strength

I wanted to step in and support by the Martell player played BotS before declaring no defenders

Who's correct? - can BotS be played at any point during a challenge or is it a response which can only kick in at resolution


BotS is a "Cancel" response - it can only be played at the time it's cancelling the triggering condition (a challenge being won). That's always going to be this step of the challenge resolution framework action window: " 1. Determine winner of challenge" Note that this also means that, say, it'll always come before you can use a Red Vengeance (which would happen in step 2)

Here it should have been
Declare Attackers
(Player Action Window)
Declare Stealth
Declare Defenders: Martell Player Says "No Defenders"
You decide to support him, Declaring Defenders.
(Player Action Window)
Challenge Resolution Framework: Step 1 would determine challenge winner. Since the Martell player is not in the process of losing a challenge, he cannot play BotS

Edited by -Istaril